Additionally, you can look into this cool Git tutorial to get some basic ideas. 

On Sunday, September 2, 2012 7:19:39 PM UTC+6, Alec Kalinin wrote:

Could you, please, explain me some moments about SfePy git workflow process? I will start with my own understanding of the workflow process. In general, to do a development we need 4 branches:

* upstream/master,
* origin/master,
* local/master,
* local/patch,

where upstream/master is the SfePy primary GitHub branch, origin/master is the my GitHub clone of the SfePy primary branch, local/master is the clone of the origin/master on my machine and local/patch is the branch inherited from the local/master to do a patch.

(1) Question 1.
We are on the "local/master" branch. Before we start a patch branch we need to get the latest changes. In documentation [1] I see the command "git fetch upstream" for it. But why not "git pull"? "git fetch" only retrieve the changes and does not do a merge. So will the "local/master" contain the latest commits in this case?

(2) Question 2.
We make a branch "local/patch" form "local/master", made the patch and did the commit. Now the "local/patch" is 1 commit forward then "local/master" and "origin/master". Next we push the changes from "local/patch" to the "origin/master". And now "local/patch" and "origin/master" are 1 commit forward then the "local/master".

But, what we need to do with "local/master"? We can switch to "local/master" and pull changes from "origin/master". Or we can switch to "local/master" and do the local merge with "local/patch". What is the right action?

(3) Question 3.
We make a branch "local/patch" form "local/master" and are working on the code. In this moment somebody made a commit to the "upstream/master". Now "upstream/master" is the 1 commit forward than all our branches. What is the right way to obtain these changes: directly pull changes from "upstream/master" to the "local/patch" or pull changes to the "local/master" and then do the merge from "local/master" to the "local/patch"?

(4) Question 4.
We make a branch "local/patch" form "local/master" and did a patch. Before push our changes we checked if there are any new commits in the "upstream/master" and found, for example, two new commits. What we need to do? Always pull the changes, rebase and than push? Or we can push our patch without pulling the changes and rebasing?


Alec Kalinin