I am working on the
solution of coupled systems of equations through external
coupling of partial systems by the boundary conditions
(specifically, CHT coupling for aerothermics). This is
typically performed at Onera with the solvers elsA for
aerodynamics and Z-set for thermics, coupled through
Dirichlet-Robin, Neumann-Robin or similar boundary
conditions on temperature and flux at the solid boundaries.
(possibly at-home) research purposes I am trying to
create a simpler system, based on SfePy and Gmsh.
The solution by SfePy of
the thermal problem on the solid domain works very well
(NACA C3X turbine vane), as for the aerodynamics (in laminar
flow in a periodic channel at low Reynolds number to reduce
computational costs).
I am currently tackling
the solution of the aerothermal problem in incompressible
flow; again, the solution of the global problem (1:dynamics
& 2:thermics combined in 1 system) by SfePy
works very well.
I then proceeded to the
separation of systems 1 & 2, which are uncoupled for
incompressible flow and may be solved successively.
Again, I managed to chain initial computations on the two
sets of equations, starting
from constant or function-defined boundary conditions.
For CHT coupling, I will need to (re-)start
computations from initial fields:
- velocity u
- pressure p
- temperature T
As a check,, I tried to
solve the global set of all equations (1+2) from the
previous (u, p, T) fields.
This would also allow me
to output a single file with all the fields for plotting.
I didn't find a way to set the
initial fields through initial conditions, because
apparently the ics definition is used by
discrete.variables.FieldVariable.setup_initial_conditions() (see code below).
I also tried (last code
snippet) using state.set_parts(), with init_fields=False, to no
Please tell, what am I
missing ?
How can I initialise a
field with arbitrary field-typed data:
- not defined by a
function of the coordinates
- not read from a file
Best regards,
Marc Lazareff
In my script:
# 1) solve the stationary
incompressible dynamics
state_dynamics = problem1.solve()
# 2) solve the stationary thermics
(decoupled heat advection)
state_thermics = problem2.solve()
u_part = state_dynamics.get_parts()['u’]
p_part =
T_part =
# initial conditions from fields: bad, only uses 1 value from each field
ics = {
'icU' : ('Omega', u_part),
'icP' : ('Omega', p_part),
'icT' : ('Omega', T_part),
problem3 =
Problem.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False) # ,
equations3 =
{spam:equations0[spam] for spam in ['balance',
'incompressibility', 'neumannP', 'energy']}
variables3 =
# (re-)solve
"coupled" problem
state_all =
In SfePy:
def setup_initial_conditions(self, ics, di,
functions, warn=True): # ML warn=False):
Setup of initial conditions.
print(f"setup_initial_conditions: ics =
self.initial_condition =
for ic in ics:
region = ic.region
dofs, val = ic.dofs
print(f"setup_initial_conditions: val =
{val}”) # !! only
gathers a single value
# also tried:
state = problem3.create_state()
# not OK @ dictionary comprehension,
using explicit loop
for var in ('u', 'p', 'T'):