Yes, you are right about the strain tensor. 

First  I will try to implement the material model. Could you give me some more information about the implementation of the material model, I mean some key starting points on how to do this?


On Friday, 8 January 2016 11:08:45 UTC+1, Robert Cimrman wrote:
Hello Madhu,

On 01/07/2016 10:22 PM, Madhu Mahadevappa wrote:
> Dear Robert,
>     I want to implement a constitutive model for ice in compression which is
> developed using damage mechanics. Damage mechanics in the model utilizes
> Schapery's approach, which in turn derived from non-linear viscoelastic
> theory.I also want to implement an explicit solver which can capture
> high-speed dynamic events accurately.Could you help me understand what it
> will take to implement this material model, what SfePy can already do, and
> what I will need to contribute to  for making this project work?

You will need to implement a new term, a more complex version of [1], that
captures your constitutive equation. Am I right, that the small strain tensor
is used, as in the term [2]?

Concerning the explicit time-stepping solver, there is a very basic version
[3], but I do not think it will be of much use for you - you will be on your
own here, as for the method(s). I can only support you with advice on how to
add such a thing to sfepy. Having a good explicit solver would be a very nice


>   This project is being carried out to know how easy is to use SfePy for the
> research that is going on in our university and to contribute for open
> source softwares like SfePy. The results will also be validated by
> comparing with the experimental.

Thanks for your interest, contributions are welcome! Feel free to ask more.

>   Please refer the attached paper for further details about the material
> model.

Looking at the model implementation section, that should be doable (equations
(23)-(29)). I guess the more difficult part will be the explicit solver.
