In my main code I had this:
problem = Problem.from_conf(conf, init_equations=False)
problem.set_equations({'eq' : conf.equations['balance']})
state_el = problem.solve()
time_solver = problem.get_time_solver()
ts = problem.get_timestepper()
Ans these were my solvers:
# Solvers etc. solver_0 = { 'name' : 'ls', 'kind' : 'ls.scipy_direct', }
solver_1 = { 'name' : 'newton', 'kind' : 'nls.newton',
'i_max' : 7,
'eps_a' : 1e-10,
'eps_r' : 1.0,
'macheps' : 1e-16,
'lin_red' : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red).
'ls_red' : 0.1,
'ls_red_warp': 0.001,
'ls_on' : 1.1,
'ls_min' : 1e-5,
'check' : 0,
'delta' : 1e-6,
'problem' : 'nonlinear', # 'nonlinear' or 'linear' (ignore i_max)
solver_2 = { 'name' : 'ts', 'kind' : 'ts.simple',
't0' : 0,
't1' : 1,
'dt' : None,
'n_step' : 101, # has precedence over dt!
El viernes, 31 de julio de 2015, 18:57:11 (UTC+2), Robert Cimrman escribió:
Hi Patricia,
On 07/31/2015 05:10 PM, Patricia Garcia Cañadilla wrote:
I was runnind some code under sfepy2014.3 version and today I've upgraded to 2015.3 and now my simulations only do 1 iteration and stop when it should do 100 hundred. Why?
You mean 2015.2, right? Could you send an example to this list? Your description does not provide any hints on what exactly does not work.