Hi Kathrin,
On 09/14/2017 03:16 PM, Kathrin Sobe wrote:
Hi Robert,
the linear elastic simulation with my large dataset is working, basically. It was possible to run the simulation in the same way as with my test example mesh some weeks ago.
But I get an exception trying to use the build in sfepy Viewer: .... .../VTK-6.3.0/VTK-6.3.0/Common/ExecutionModel/vtkAlgorithm.cxx, line 1421 vtkGlyph3D (0x4cd1fc0): Attempt to get connection index 0 for input port 0, which has 0 connections. .... ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 31572, errno = 32
The output .vtk file looks good. Did you see that exception before? If not I will just try to use vtk directly for the visualization.
I have not seen such error. What happens when you try to open the VTK file in the mayavi2 application? It might be a VTK version problem.
Just for clarification: The output file contains the deformed mesh? Is this correct? So I can just display it in vtk. In my case it also contains TENSORS cauchy_stress from the post processing.
The output file contains the undeformed mesh, but also the displacements (and cauchys_stress and possibly other values from post-processing). Both paraview and mayavi have filters to deform the mesh according to a vector field - just apply it to the displacements to see the deformed mesh.