Hello Developers,
I am trying to understand how to adjust the parameters in the Nonlinear (Newton) solver.
I'm good on "imax" since it's the number of iterations before abort and I think that "eps_a" is the maximum allowable absolute sum total residual before ending the sim (??), but I'm not at all clear on what the other parameters do and how they override each other.
I've dug through the docs and looked at the source, but I'm also still unclear about which parameters will be applicable in different situations.
Could you all point me to the right information? Or better yet just summarize what each of the parameters does and when it is applicable?
nls = Newton({ 'i_max' : 1000, 'eps_a' : 1e-10, 'eps_r' : 1.0, 'macheps' : 1e-16, 'lin_red' : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red). 'ls_red' : 0.1, 'ls_red_warp': 0.001, 'ls_on' : 1.1, 'ls_min' : 1e-5, 'check' : 0, 'delta' : 1e-6, 'is_plot' : False, 'problem' : 'nonlinear'} , lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)
Thank you! -David