Elastodynamic calculation in interactive mode
Hi everyone.
I am using Sfepy for several weeks and i found it amazing.
I have some trouble to use it interactively:
I would like to run an elastodynamic calculation in interactive mode, but my code seems to give the steady state solution at each output
and i really do not know what is missing.
The configuration is a 2D plate subject to a pressure field on its top surface. I would like to see the dynamics of the deformation on short timescales.
Probably it is a basic mistake but i am really stuck with it.
Thank you very much for your help.
Here is my code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri May 7 15:40:38 2021
2D elastodynamics test-case:
A steel plate is subjet to a Gaussian pressure field centered on its top boundary
from os.path import join as pjoin
import numpy as nm
from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain, Field
from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh
from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral,
Equation, Equations, Problem)
#from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame
import sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs as mc
from sfepy.terms import Term
from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC
from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.solvers.ls import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.solvers.ts_solvers import SimpleTimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.base.base import Struct
outputs_folder = "out_sfepy" problem_name = "elastodynamics" output_folder = pjoin(outputs_folder, problem_name) output_format = "vtk"
#================================= Mesh ======================================
#----------- generation of a 2D block mesh: Ndim=2 Ly = 2.0e-3 ; Lx = 10.0e-2 dims = [Lx, Ly] shape = [1000, 20]
# Element size. HX = Lx / (shape[0] - 1) HY = Ly / (shape[1] - 1)
# generation of the mesh mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, 0.5 * nm.array(dims), name='user_block', verbose=False)
#=========================== Create a domain =================================
domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh)
#=============== Define volume "Omega" and boundaries "Gamma" ================
min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:, 0] min_y, max_y = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:, 1] eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x)
omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1','vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps),'facet')
gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2','vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps),'facet')
gamma3 = domain.create_region('Gamma3','vertices in y > %.10f' % (max_y - eps),'facet')
gamma4 = domain.create_region('Gamma4','vertices in y < %.10f' % (min_y + eps),'facet')
#================= Define the finite element approximation =================== # Using the field fu, we can define both the unknown variable  and the test variable .
field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=2)
u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) du = FieldVariable('du', 'unknown', field) ddu = FieldVariable('ddu', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') dv = FieldVariable('dv', 'test', field, primary_var_name='du') ddv = FieldVariable('ddv', 'test', field, primary_var_name='ddu')
#============================ Material parameters ============================ # from E, nu : E = 200.0e9 ; nu = 0.3 lam, mu = mc.lame_from_youngpoisson(E, nu, plane='strain')
#============================ For elastodynamics ============================= rho = 7800.0 # Longitudinal and shear wave propagation speeds. cl = nm.sqrt((lam + 2.0 * mu) / rho) cs = nm.sqrt(mu / rho)
#============================= Stiffness matrix ==============================
m = Material('m', D=mc.stiffness_from_lame(dim=2, lam=lam, mu=mu),values={'rho':rho})
#================================= Time ====================================== # Time-stepping parameters. # Note: the Courant number C0 = dt * cl / H dt = HX / cl # C0 = 1 print('dt=', dt) timef = 1.5 * Lx / cl
#======================== Pressure distribution ==============================
def test_P(x, x0=0.0,R=1.0,P0=1.0): #--- champ de pression sinusoidal: #return P0*nm.sin(2.0*nm.pi*(x-x0)/R) #--- pic de pression return P0*nm.exp(-((x-x0)/R)**2.0)
def tractionLoad( ts, coors, mode='qp', equations=None, term=None, problem=None):
"""ts = TimeStepper, coor = coordinates of field nodes in region."""
if mode == 'qp':
val=nm.zeros((coors.shape[0], 3, 1),dtype=nm.float64)
for i in range(coors.shape[0]):
x=coors[i,0] #; y=coors[i,1]
pressure=test_P(x,0.5*dims[0], dims[0], 1.0e7)
val[i,:,0]=0.0, pressure, 0.0 # S11, S22, S12
return {'val' : val}
p = Material(name='load',kind='time-dependent',function=tractionLoad)
#=============================== Integration method ==========================
integral = Integral('i', order=3)
#========================== Definition of the "terms" ========================
t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)',integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_dot(m.rho, ddv, ddu)',integral, omega, m=m, ddv=ddv, ddu=ddu) #t3 = Term.new('dw_zero(dv, du)',integral, omega, m=m, dv=dv, du=du) t4 = Term.new('dw_surface_ltr(load.val, v )',integral, gamma3, load=p,v=v)
eq = Equation('balance_of_forces in time',t1+t2+t4) eqs = Equations([eq])
#============================ boundary conditions ============================
fix_u1 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.all' : 0.0}) fix_u2 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma2, {'u.all' : 0.0})
#=========================== Problem instance ================================ pb = Problem(problem_name,equations=eqs) pb.set_bcs(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u1, fix_u2])) pb.setup_output(output_dir=output_folder, output_format=output_format) pb.update_materials()
#=============================== Solveur =====================================
ls = ScipyDirect({'use_presolve' : True}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls = Newton({'i_max': 1, 'eps_a': 1e-6, 'eps_r' : 1e-6,}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status) tss = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver({'t0' : 0.0, 't1' : 1.0e-9, 'n_step' : 10}, nls=nls, context=pb, verbose=True)
#================================ SOLVE ====================================== pb.set_solver(tss) status = IndexedStruct() vec = pb.solve(status=status)
print('Nonlinear solver status:\n', nls_status) print('Stationary solver status:\n', status)
pb.save_state('linear_elasticity.vtk', vec)
Hi Fabien,
On 28. 05. 21 21:05, fabien.tholin@onera.fr wrote:
Hi everyone.
I am using Sfepy for several weeks and i found it amazing.
I have some trouble to use it interactively:
I would like to run an elastodynamic calculation in interactive mode, but my code seems to give the steady state solution at each output
and i really do not know what is missing.
The configuration is a 2D plate subject to a pressure field on its top surface. I would like to see the dynamics of the deformation on short timescales.
Probably it is a basic mistake but i am really stuck with it.
The main issue is that you need to use one of the elastodynamic solvers (e.g. ts.bathe). More comments below in the code listing.
Thank you very much for your help.
Here is my code:
#=============================== Integration method ==========================
integral = Integral('i', order=3)
You may need quadrature order=4, but it seems to be working with 3.
#========================== Definition of the "terms" ========================
t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)',integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_dot(m.rho, ddv, ddu)',integral, omega, m=m, ddv=ddv, ddu=ddu) #t3 = Term.new('dw_zero(dv, du)',integral, omega, m=m, dv=dv, du=du) t4 = Term.new('dw_surface_ltr(load.val, v )',integral, gamma3, load=p,v=v)
eq = Equation('balance_of_forces in time',t1+t2+t4)
The elastodynamic solvers require including the velocity-dependent term even if it is zero, so that the matrices are correctly allocated:
t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)',integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_dot(m.rho, ddv, ddu)',integral, omega, m=m, ddv=ddv, ddu=ddu) t3 = Term.new('dw_zero(dv, du)',integral, omega, m=m, dv=dv, du=du) t4 = Term.new('dw_surface_ltr(load.val, v )',integral, gamma3, load=p,v=v)
eq = Equation('balance_of_forces in time',t1+t2+t3+t4)
eqs = Equations([eq])
#============================ boundary conditions ============================
fix_u1 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.all' : 0.0}) fix_u2 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma2, {'u.all' : 0.0})
Also du, ddu need to be fixed:
fix_u1 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.all' : 0.0, 'du.all' : 0.0, 'ddu.all' : 0.0}) fix_u2 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma2, {'u.all' : 0.0, 'du.all' : 0.0, 'ddu.all' : 0.0})
#=========================== Problem instance ================================ pb = Problem(problem_name,equations=eqs) pb.set_bcs(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u1, fix_u2])) pb.setup_output(output_dir=output_folder, output_format=output_format) pb.update_materials()
#=============================== Solveur =====================================
ls = ScipyDirect({'use_presolve' : True}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls = Newton({'i_max': 1, 'eps_a': 1e-6, 'eps_r' : 1e-6,}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status) tss = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver({'t0' : 0.0, 't1' : 1.0e-9, 'n_step' : 10}, nls=nls, context=pb, verbose=True)
Replace tss for example with:
from sfepy.solvers import Solver tss = Solver.any_from_conf( Struct(**{ 'kind' : 'ts.bathe', 't0' : 0.0, 't1' : 1.0e-6, 'dt' : dt, 'is_linear' : True, 'verbose' : 1, }), nls=nls, context=pb, )
or other tss listed in examples/linear_elasticity/elastodynamic.py.
Thank you very much for your help !
It is true that i completely forgot to set the boundary conditions for time derivatives.
Now it seems to work perfectly.
Now this script compute the dynamics of the plate due to a pressure distribution varying in space and time.
I put here my last script if someone is interested:
!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri May 7 15:40:38 2021
2D elastodynamics test-case:
A steel plate is subjet to a Gaussian pressure field centered on its top boundary
""" from os.path import join as pjoin import numpy as nm from sfepy.discrete.fem import FEDomain, Field from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Equation, Equations, Problem) #from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs as mc from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC
from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.solvers.ls import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton #from sfepy.solvers.ts_solvers import SimpleTimeSteppingSolver from sfepy.base.base import Struct #from examples.linear_elasticity.its2D_2 import stress_strain
output_folder = "out_sfepy" problem_name = "elastodynamics" output_format = "vtk" verb=False
#================================== Time =====================================
Noutput=100 dtoutput=1.0e-6 dtmin=1.0e-7 CFL=False
#================================= Mesh ======================================
#----------- generation of a 2D block mesh: Ndim=2 Ly = 2.0e-3 ; Lx=0.04 dims = [Lx, Ly] #shape = [400, 20] shape = [200, 10] # Element size. HX = Lx / (shape[0] - 1) HY = Ly / (shape[1] - 1)
# generation of the mesh mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, 0.5 * nm.array(dims), name='user_block', verbose=False)
#=========================== Create a domain =================================
domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh)
#=============== Define volume "Omega" and boundaries "Gamma" ================
min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:, 0] min_y, max_y = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:, 1] eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x)
omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1','vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps),'facet')
gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2','vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps),'facet')
gamma3 = domain.create_region('Gamma3','vertices in y > %.10f' % (max_y - eps),'facet')
gamma4 = domain.create_region('Gamma4','vertices in y < %.10f' % (min_y + eps),'facet')
#================= Define the finite element approximation =================== # Using the field fu, we can define both the unknown variable  and the test variable .
field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=2)
u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) du = FieldVariable('du', 'unknown', field) ddu = FieldVariable('ddu', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') dv = FieldVariable('dv', 'test', field, primary_var_name='du') ddv = FieldVariable('ddv', 'test', field, primary_var_name='ddu')
#============================ Material parameters ============================ # from E, nu : E = 20.0e9 ; nu = 0.3 lam, mu = mc.lame_from_youngpoisson(E, nu, plane='strain')
#============================ For elastodynamics ============================= rho = 7800.0 # Longitudinal and shear wave propagation speeds. cl = nm.sqrt((lam + 2.0 * mu) / rho) cs = nm.sqrt(mu / rho)
#============================= Stiffness matrix ==============================
m = Material('m', D=mc.stiffness_from_lame(dim=2, lam=lam, mu=mu),values={'rho':rho})
#================================= Time ====================================== # Time-stepping parameters. # Note: the Courant number C0 = dt * cl / H dtcfl = HX / cl # C0 = 1 print('dtcfl=', dtcfl)
if(CFL): dt=nm.min([dtcfl,dtmin,dtoutput]) else: dt=nm.min([dtmin,dtoutput])
#======================== Pressure distribution ==============================
def test_P(x, x0=0.0,R=1.0,P0=1.0): #--- champ de pression sinusoidal: #return P0*nm.sin(2.0*nm.pi*(x-x0)/R) #--- pic de pression return P0*nm.exp(-((x-x0)/R)**2.0)
def biexp(t,wave='D',fac=1.0,norm=False):
if(wave == 'D'):
A=109405.0 ; alpha=22708.0 ; beta=1294530.0 ; Imax=100000.0
elif(wave == 'A'):
A=218810.0 ; alpha=11354.0 ; beta=647265.0 ; Imax=200000.0
elif(wave == 'G'):
A=-1044746.2664139411842 ; alpha=81169.502440601603134 ; beta=1.0/(0.08*200.0e-6) ; Imax=100000.0
if(norm): return fac*A*( nm.exp(-alpha*t) - nm.exp(-beta*t) )/Imax else: return fac*A*( nm.exp(-alpha*t) - nm.exp(-beta*t) )
def tractionLoad( ts, coors, mode='qp', equations=None, term=None, problem=None):
"""ts = TimeStepper, coor = coordinates of field nodes in region."""
if mode == 'qp':
val=nm.zeros((coors.shape[0], 3, 1),dtype=nm.float64)
for i in range(coors.shape[0]):
x=coors[i,0] #; y=coors[i,1]
pressure=test_P(x,0.0, 0.01, 1.0e8)
val[i,:,0]=0.0, pressure, 0.0 # S11, S22, S12
val=val*biexp(t,'D',fac=1.0, norm=True)
return {'val' : val}
p = Material(name='load',kind='time-dependent',function=tractionLoad)
#=============================== Integration method ==========================
integral = Integral('i', order=4)
#========================== Definition of the "terms" ========================
# t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)',integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) # t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_dot(m.rho, ddv, ddu)',integral, omega, m=m, ddv=ddv, ddu=ddu) # #t3 = Term.new('dw_zero(dv, du)',integral, omega, m=m, dv=dv, du=du) # t4 = Term.new('dw_surface_ltr(load.val, v )',integral, gamma3, load=p,v=v) # eq = Equation('balance_of_forces in time',t1+t2+t4)
t1 = Term.new('dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)',integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 = Term.new('dw_volume_dot(m.rho, ddv, ddu)',integral, omega, m=m, ddv=ddv, ddu=ddu) t3 = Term.new('dw_zero(dv, du)',integral, omega, m=m, dv=dv, du=du) t4 = Term.new('dw_surface_ltr(load.val, v )',integral, gamma3, load=p,v=v) eq = Equation('balance_of_forces in time',t1+t2+t3+t4)
eqs = Equations([eq])
#============================ boundary conditions ============================
# fix_u1 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # fix_u2 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma2, {'u.all' : 0.0}) #fix_u1 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.all' : 0.0, 'du.all' : 0.0, 'ddu.all' : 0.0})
fix_u1 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma1, {'u.0' : 0.0, 'du.0' : 0.0, 'ddu.0' : 0.0}) fix_u2 = EssentialBC('fix_u', gamma2, {'u.all' : 0.0, 'du.all' : 0.0, 'ddu.all' : 0.0})
#=========================== Problem instance ================================ pb = Problem(problem_name,equations=eqs) pb.set_bcs(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u1, fix_u2])) #================================= Outputs ===================================
#=============================== Solveur =====================================
ls = ScipyDirect({'use_presolve' : True}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls = Newton({'i_max': 1, 'eps_a': 1e-6, 'eps_r' : 1e-6,}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)
# tss are listed in examples/linear_elasticity/elastodynamic.py. from sfepy.solvers import Solver
# tss = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver({'t0' : 0.0, 't1' : 1.0e-9, 'n_step' : 10}, nls=nls, context=pb, verbose=True)
#================================ SOLVE ====================================== t=0.0
for i in range(Noutput):
print('==================== iteration:', i , '===========================')
print(' t=', t, ' t+dt=', t+dtoutput)
tss = Solver.any_from_conf(
'kind' : 'ts.bathe',
't0' : t, 't1' : t+dtoutput,
'n_step' : None, # precedence over dt
'dt' : dt,
'is_linear' : True,
'verbose' : 0,
}), nls=nls, context=pb,
status = IndexedStruct()
if(i == 0):
vec = pb.solve(state0=None,status=status,save_results=False)
vec = pb.solve(state0=vec,status=status,save_results=False)
print('Nonlinear solver status:\n', nls_status)
print('Stationary solver status:\n', status)
# ---Postprocess the solution.
def vonmises_from_stress(stress):
for i in range(N):
#--- 2D:
s11=stress[i,0,0,0] ; s22=stress[i,0,1,0] ; s12=stress[i,0,2,0]
s33=0.0 ; s13=0.0 ; s23=0.0
#--- 3D:
#s11=stress[i,0,0,0] ; s22=stress[i,0,1,0] ; s33=stress[i,0,2,0]
#s12=stress[i,0,3,0] ; s13=stress[i,0,4,0] ; s23=stress[i,0,5,0]
return vM
def stress_strain(out, pb, state, extend=False):
Calculate and output strain and stress for given displacements.
from sfepy.base.base import Struct
ev = pb.evaluate
strain = ev('ev_cauchy_strain.2.Omega(u)', mode='el_avg')
stress = ev('ev_cauchy_stress.2.Omega(m.D, u)', mode='el_avg',
out['cauchy_strain'] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell',
data=strain, dofs=None)
out['cauchy_stress'] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell',
data=stress, dofs=None)
out['vonMises'] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell',
data=vonmises, dofs=None)
return out
out = vec.create_output_dict()
out = stress_strain(out, pb, vec, extend=True)
#pb.setup_output(output_dir=output_folder, output_format=output_format)
pb.save_state(output_folder+'/'+problem_name+'_'+str(i)+'.'+output_format, out=out)
On 31. 05. 21 18:18, fabien.tholin@onera.fr wrote:
Thank you very much for your help ! It is true that i completely forgot to set the boundary conditions for time derivatives. Now it seems to work perfectly. Now this script compute the dynamics of the plate due to a pressure distribution varying in space and time.
Glad to hear that!
Maybe have also a look at save_times option [1] to avoid the loop?
Cheers, r.
[1] https://sfepy.org/doc-devel/users_guide.html?highlight=save_times#miscellane...
participants (2)
Robert Cimrman