Re: material dependent on calculated field

On 04/19/2018 06:02 PM, Jan Martinek wrote:
thank you for your advice, I tested your proposed way and the material is constructed correctly over all the Omega region. Then, I have problems with the evaluation of flux, because the get_pars() is called again with the region "top" and the set of quadrature points is now different. In an attempt to evaluate the field on the surface points corresponding to "top" region I get an error message
ValueError: region top has not true cells! (has kind: facet)
Well, that's probably right.
For surface regions you would need the dw_surface_integrate term.
Anyway, before getting too deep into it, I tried another way using
but as you have already written, evaluating at arbitrary points is an overkill, right?
This is fine and should be reasonably fast - it does not do the projection...
In this case, increasing the options_order to 2 gives exact results on very coarse mesh very quicky, but it is an easy example. Nevertheless, I often fall into performance issues so I should stick to recommended methods.
IMHO T.evaluate_at(coors) is by far the easiest way how to do what you need, so try replacing it only after you find it is a bottleneck. Using the dw_*_integrate integrate terms should be faster (can you measure it on a largish mesh?), but there you need to distinguish between surface and volume regions.
I attach my script and your comments are welcome - are there any pitfalls with such approach?
I do not know, we will see :)
On 04/18/2018 02:47 PM, Robert Cimrman wrote:
Hi Jan,
On 04/18/2018 12:34 PM, Jan Martinek wrote:
Hi again,
I would like to calculate the electrical current flow through a material, whose electrical conductivity depends on temperature. I assume the current is very small and all the heating comes only from external bath.
The procedure is composed of these steps:
- the temperature field is calculated (it works)
- the electrical conductivity of a material should be now assigned using a get_pars function. It should take into account the temperature field. (but how?)
- the potential field is calculated (works)
- calculate the flux (works, you helped me before)
The temperature is calculated in nodes, but the material properties are assigned to cells. I will probably have to use make_l2_projection, but after many trials and errors I ask for help, again. I attach my testing script.
The easiest way of obtaining a field in quadrature points is to use the ev_volume_integrate term (for volume regions):
t_qp = problem.evaluate('ev_volume_integrate.i.Omega(T)', integrals=Integrals([integral]), mode='qp', verbose=False) t_qp.shape = (-1, 1, 1)
Just make sure, that the same integral is used above and in get_pars(). The reshaping is needed for get_pars().
Note that make_l2_projection() would work too, but it is meant for evaluating fields in arbitrary points - here it is an overkill.
Thank you Jan
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