PyPI support and reorganized scripts
Hi all,
the next release (2022.3, due to the end of September) will contain several important user-oriented changes. Originally, the sfepy package was meant to be used mostly in-place in the source tree - the main scripts were directly there. In order to facilitate the installed use as well as to allow using pip, the scripts now reside in sfepy/scripts/ directory and new entry points are installed to the executable path.
Short summary (<path> is the path to the sfepy directory relative to the users directory):
python3 <path>/ -> sfepy-run
python3 <path>/ -> sfepy-view
python3 <path>/script/ -d 3 mesh1.mesh mesh1.vtk -> sfepy-convert -d 3 mesh1.mesh mesh1.vtk
python3 <path>/script/ -> sfepy-mesh block
python3 <path>/script/ cylinder.vtk -> sfepy-mesh info cylinder.vtk
A pre-release version with the above changes is available on PyPI, you can try it with
pip install sfepy
(or "python3 -m pip install sfepy")
It should install sfepy and all its required dependencies. Some optional solvers are not installed automatically (e.g. petsc4py or scikit-umfpack). The installation can be tested using
python3 -c "import sfepy; sfepy.test()"
Feedback welcome.
Best regards, r.
participants (1)
Robert Cimrman