next week I would like to release a new version to the unsuspecting world to show that sfepy is alive, so if there is somebody willing to test the code, grab it as usual at [1], see [2] or [3] if you forgot how :)
I am attaching an updated test script, so that you can just compile the extension modules, and run it. It might be too picky in cases as it expects the exact output I get on my computer...
[1] https://github.com/sfepy/sfepy [2] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/developer_guide.html#how-to-contribute [3] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/dev/gitwash/index.html#using-git

Hi Robert
Archlinux with python 2.7.1
BTW - default python on arch is python3 requiring all scripts to be changed: #!/usr/bin/python2
=============================================================================== ./runTests.py .. 53 test file(s) executed in 192.01 s, 3 failure(s) of 77 test(s)
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_semismooth_newton.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 1 <<< tests/test_semismooth_newton.py sfepy: left over: ['pause', 'verbose', 'insert_as_static_method', 'ca', 'dict_to_array', 'nla', '__name__', 'remap_dict', 'TestCommon', 'is_derived_class', 'as_float_or_complex', '_filename', 'invert_dict', 'Output', 'iter_dict_of_lists', '__doc__', 'dict_extend', '__file__', 'convert_to_csr', 'load_classes', 'MethodType', 'copy', 'find_subclasses', 'mark_time', 'eval_matrix', 'get_default', 'real_types', 'dict_to_struct', 'import_file', 'define_matrices', 'insert_static_method', 'ordered_iteritems', 'IndexedStruct', 'debug', 'output', 'Container', 'Struct', 'sps', 'atexit', 'fs', 'get_debug', 'conf', 'get_default_attr', 'deepcopy', 'UnboundMethodType', 'getch', 'dict_from_keys_init', 'nm', '__package__', 're', 'check_names', 'complex_types', 'ls_conf', 'sm', 'OneTypeList', '__builtins__', 'glob', 'insert_method', 'sys', 'fc', 'alpha', 'assert_', 'print_structs', 'spause', 'set_defaults', 'sp', 'use_method_with_name', 'ks', 'sfepy_config_dir', 'is_sequence', 'get_arguments', 'select_by_names', 'time', 'sc', 'sa', 'os']
test instance prepared (1 test(s)) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.000000e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: linear system not solved! (err = 1.213969e+00) sfepy: switching to steepest descent step sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: steepest_descent step line search sfepy: iter 1, (4.89223e+00 < 4.00000e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.967839e+00 (rel: 9.839197e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.63432e+05 < 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.59605e+04 < 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.59313e+03 < 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.56773e+02 < 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-04) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.31617e+01 < 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-05) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (5.16383e+00 < 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-06) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.967837e+00 (rel: 9.839187e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 3, (1.60251e+05 < 3.93567e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 3, (1.60251e+03 < 3.93567e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 3, (1.61468e+01 < 3.93567e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.972698e+00 (rel: 9.863491e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 4, (3.50062e+05 < 3.94540e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 4, (3.23742e+04 < 3.94540e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 4, (6.14962e+02 < 3.94540e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.970532e+00 (rel: 9.852660e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 5, (2.72537e+05 < 3.94106e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 5, (2.49387e+04 < 3.94106e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 5, (1.96086e+02 < 3.94106e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 5, residual: 1.968412e+00 (rel: 9.842061e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 6, (2.18185e+05 < 3.93682e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 6, (1.97506e+04 < 3.93682e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 6, residual: 1.942347e+00 (rel: 9.711736e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 7, (2.65078e+03 < 3.88469e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 7, (1.67323e+02 < 3.88469e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 7, residual: 1.922916e+00 (rel: 9.614581e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 8, (8.60801e+02 < 3.84583e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 8, (1.32695e+01 < 3.84583e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 8, residual: 1.903685e+00 (rel: 9.518426e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 9, (4.03531e+02 < 3.80737e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 9, residual: 1.713678e+00 (rel: 8.568388e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 10, (7.11183e+01 < 3.42736e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 10, residual: 1.542065e+00 (rel: 7.710323e-01) ... x: [ 0.08053126 0.08386358 0.28067037 0.30040091 -0.19487542 -0.17209255] ... g: [-0.00268419 -0.00327082] ... l: [ 35.43337502 22.58678795] ... sn: [-0.2853844 -0.34418511] --- test_semismooth_newton: failed! !!! 1 test failed 1 test file(s) executed in 0.57 s, 1 failure(s) of 1 test(s)
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_lcbc_3d.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 1 <<< tests/test_lcbc_3d.py sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '__file__', '__name__', 'TestLCBC', 'data_dir', '_filename', '__package__', 'output_name', '__doc__'] test instance prepared (1 test(s)) sfepy: reading mesh (/home/grassy/sfepy/meshes/3d/special/cube_sphere.mesh)... sfepy: ...done in 0.05 s sfepy: setting up domain edges... sfepy: ...done in 0.06 s sfepy: setting up domain faces... sfepy: ...done in 0.06 s sfepy: creating regions... sfepy: Y1 sfepy: Y sfepy: Top sfepy: Y2 sfepy: Bottom sfepy: ...done in 0.08 s sfepy: equation "balance": sfepy: dw_lin_elastic_iso.i1.Y( solid.lam, solid.mu, v, u ) = 0 sfepy: setting up dof connectivities... sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: using solvers: nls: newton ls: ls sfepy: updating variables... sfepy: ...done sfepy: lcbc: u rigid1 sfepy: dofs: total 3576, free 2358, constrained 1218, new 6 sfepy: -> reduced 2364 sfepy: updating materials... sfepy: solid sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: matrix shape: (3576, 3576) sfepy: assembling matrix graph... sfepy: ...done in 0.08 s sfepy: matrix structural nonzeros: 146898 (1.15e-02% fill) sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 6.232499e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfepy: rezidual: 0.05 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.39 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s] sfepy: linear system not solved! (err = 1.820488e+01) sfepy: linesearch: iter 1, (1.82049e+01 < 6.85575e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 4.375667e+00 (rel: 7.020726e-01) ... converged: False sfepy: equation "tmp": sfepy: de_cauchy_strain.i1.Y( u ) --- test_linear_rigid_body_bc: failed! !!! 1 test failed 1 test file(s) executed in 1.83 s, 1 failure(s) of 1 test(s)
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_input_linear_elastic_up.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 1 <<< tests/test_input_linear_elastic_up.py sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '_filename', '__file__', '__package__', 'TestInput', 'input_name', '__name__', 'output_name', '__doc__'] sfepy: left over: ['approx_p', 'approx_u', 'verbose', '__builtins__', 'bulk_modulus_youngpoisson', '__file__', '__name__', 'dim', 'stiffness_tensor_youngpoisson_mixed', '__package__', '_filename', 'order', '__doc__'] test instance prepared (1 test(s)) ... solving ../examples/linear_elasticity/linear_elastic_up.py... sfepy: reading mesh (meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh)... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: setting up domain edges... sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: setting up domain faces... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: creating regions... sfepy: Right sfepy: Omega sfepy: Left sfepy: ...done in 0.02 s sfepy: equation "pressure constraint": sfepy: - dw_stokes.i1.Omega( u, q ) - dw_mass_scalar_w.i1.Omega( solid.gamma, q, p ) = 0 sfepy: equation "balance_of_forces": sfepy: dw_lin_elastic.i1.Omega( solid.D, v, u ) - dw_stokes.i1.Omega( v, p ) = 0 sfepy: setting up dof connectivities... sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: using solvers: nls: newton ls: ls sfepy: updating variables... sfepy: ...done sfepy: updating materials... sfepy: solid sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: matrix shape: (2275, 2275) sfepy: assembling matrix graph... sfepy: ...done in 0.04 s sfepy: matrix structural nonzeros: 64039 (1.24e-02% fill) sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 7.208016e+05 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.19 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.04 [s] sfepy: linear system not solved! (err = 1.013626e-06) sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.013644e-06 (rel: 1.406273e-12) ... ../examples/linear_elasticity/linear_elastic_up.py solved ... nls stopping conditions: ... [1] --- test_input: failed! !!! 1 test failed 1 test file(s) executed in 0.68 s, 1 failure(s) of 1 test(s)
./schroedinger.py --2d --hydrogenTraceback (most recent call last): File "./schroedinger.py", line 750, in <module> main() File "./schroedinger.py", line 736, in main conf = ProblemConf.from_file( filename_in, required, other ) File "/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/base/conf.py", line 260, in from_file define_dict = funmod.__dict__"define" File "/home/grassy/sfepy/examples/quantum/hydrogen.py", line 21, in define l = common(fun_v, n_eigs=5, tau=-1.0) File "/home/grassy/sfepy/examples/quantum/quantum_common.py", line 9, in common prefix_dir=conf_dir).read_dimension() File "/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/meshio.py", line 545, in read_dimension coors, fd = self.read_coors(ret_fd=True) File "/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/meshio.py", line 517, in read_coors fd = open( self.filename, 'r' ) IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/grassy/sfepy/tmp/mesh.vtk'
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:51 AM, Robert Cimrman <cimr...@ntc.zcu.cz> wrote:
next week I would like to release a new version to the unsuspecting world to show that sfepy is alive, so if there is somebody willing to test the code, grab it as usual at [1], see [2] or [3] if you forgot how :)
I am attaching an updated test script, so that you can just compile the extension modules, and run it. It might be too picky in cases as it expects the exact output I get on my computer...
[1] https://github.com/sfepy/sfepy [2] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/developer_guide.html#how-to-contribute [3] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/dev/gitwash/index.html#using-git
-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sfepy-devel" group. To post to this group, send email to sfepy...@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sfepy-devel...@googlegroups.com<sfepy-devel%...@googlegroups.com> . For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sfepy-devel?hl=en.
-- Andre

Hi Andre,
thanks for the report!
The first two failures are real, as the matrix there is (almost) singular.
I will check what to do with
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_semismooth_newton.py
As for
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_lcbc_3d.py
does changing
lcbc_1 = { 'name' : 'rigid1', 'region' : 'Y2', 'dofs' : {'u.[0,1]' : 'rigid'}, }
lcbc_1 = { 'name' : 'rigid1', 'region' : 'Y2', 'dofs' : {'u.[0,1,2]' : 'rigid'}, } help? It should.
Do you have umfpack installed? It seems the linear solver has problems with indefinite systems.
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_input_linear_elastic_up.py in fact works, maybe the criterion for convergence is too severe.
Try running
./schroedinger.py --2d --mesh
./schroedinger.py --2d --hydrogen
The problem might be, that you do not have 'tmp/' subdirectory? If this is the case, it's a bug...
On 12/03/10 15:05, Andre Smit wrote:
Hi Robert
Archlinux with python 2.7.1
BTW - default python on arch is python3 requiring all scripts to be changed: #!/usr/bin/python2
=============================================================================== ./runTests.py .. 53 test file(s) executed in 192.01 s, 3 failure(s) of 77 test(s)
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_semismooth_newton.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 1 <<< tests/test_semismooth_newton.py sfepy: left over: ['pause', 'verbose', 'insert_as_static_method', 'ca', 'dict_to_array', 'nla', '__name__', 'remap_dict', 'TestCommon', 'is_derived_class', 'as_float_or_complex', '_filename', 'invert_dict', 'Output', 'iter_dict_of_lists', '__doc__', 'dict_extend', '__file__', 'convert_to_csr', 'load_classes', 'MethodType', 'copy', 'find_subclasses', 'mark_time', 'eval_matrix', 'get_default', 'real_types', 'dict_to_struct', 'import_file', 'define_matrices', 'insert_static_method', 'ordered_iteritems', 'IndexedStruct', 'debug', 'output', 'Container', 'Struct', 'sps', 'atexit', 'fs', 'get_debug', 'conf', 'get_default_attr', 'deepcopy', 'UnboundMethodType', 'getch', 'dict_from_keys_init', 'nm', '__package__', 're', 'check_names', 'complex_types', 'ls_conf', 'sm', 'OneTypeList', '__builtins__', 'glob', 'insert_method', 'sys', 'fc', 'alpha', 'assert_', 'print_structs', 'spause', 'set_defaults', 'sp', 'use_method_with_name', 'ks', 'sfepy_config_dir', 'is_sequence', 'get_arguments', 'select_by_names', 'time', 'sc', 'sa', 'os']
test instance prepared (1 test(s)) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.000000e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: linear system not solved! (err = 1.213969e+00) sfepy: switching to steepest descent step sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: steepest_descent step line search sfepy: iter 1, (4.89223e+00< 4.00000e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.967839e+00 (rel: 9.839197e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.63432e+05< 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.59605e+04< 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.59313e+03< 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.56773e+02< 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-04) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (7.31617e+01< 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-05) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 2, (5.16383e+00< 3.93568e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-06) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 2, residual: 1.967837e+00 (rel: 9.839187e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 3, (1.60251e+05< 3.93567e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 3, (1.60251e+03< 3.93567e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 3, (1.61468e+01< 3.93567e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.972698e+00 (rel: 9.863491e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 4, (3.50062e+05< 3.94540e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 4, (3.23742e+04< 3.94540e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 4, (6.14962e+02< 3.94540e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 4, residual: 1.970532e+00 (rel: 9.852660e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 5, (2.72537e+05< 3.94106e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 5, (2.49387e+04< 3.94106e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 5, (1.96086e+02< 3.94106e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-03) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 5, residual: 1.968412e+00 (rel: 9.842061e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 6, (2.18185e+05< 3.93682e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 6, (1.97506e+04< 3.93682e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 6, residual: 1.942347e+00 (rel: 9.711736e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 7, (2.65078e+03< 3.88469e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 7, (1.67323e+02< 3.88469e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 7, residual: 1.922916e+00 (rel: 9.614581e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 8, (8.60801e+02< 3.84583e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 8, (1.32695e+01< 3.84583e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-02) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 8, residual: 1.903685e+00 (rel: 9.518426e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.02 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 9, (4.03531e+02< 3.80737e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 9, residual: 1.713678e+00 (rel: 8.568388e-01) sfepy: non_active/active: 2/0 sfepy: rezidual: 0.01 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.00 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfepy: regular step line search sfepy: iter 10, (7.11183e+01< 3.42736e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: regular step sfepy: nls: iter: 10, residual: 1.542065e+00 (rel: 7.710323e-01) ... x: [ 0.08053126 0.08386358 0.28067037 0.30040091 -0.19487542 -0.17209255] ... g: [-0.00268419 -0.00327082] ... l: [ 35.43337502 22.58678795] ... sn: [-0.2853844 -0.34418511] --- test_semismooth_newton: failed! !!! 1 test failed 1 test file(s) executed in 0.57 s, 1 failure(s) of 1 test(s)
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_lcbc_3d.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 1 <<< tests/test_lcbc_3d.py sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '__file__', '__name__', 'TestLCBC', 'data_dir', '_filename', '__package__', 'output_name', '__doc__'] test instance prepared (1 test(s)) sfepy: reading mesh (/home/grassy/sfepy/meshes/3d/special/cube_sphere.mesh)... sfepy: ...done in 0.05 s sfepy: setting up domain edges... sfepy: ...done in 0.06 s sfepy: setting up domain faces... sfepy: ...done in 0.06 s sfepy: creating regions... sfepy: Y1 sfepy: Y sfepy: Top sfepy: Y2 sfepy: Bottom sfepy: ...done in 0.08 s sfepy: equation "balance": sfepy: dw_lin_elastic_iso.i1.Y( solid.lam, solid.mu, v, u ) = 0 sfepy: setting up dof connectivities... sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: using solvers: nls: newton ls: ls sfepy: updating variables... sfepy: ...done sfepy: lcbc: u rigid1 sfepy: dofs: total 3576, free 2358, constrained 1218, new 6 sfepy: -> reduced 2364 sfepy: updating materials... sfepy: solid sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: matrix shape: (3576, 3576) sfepy: assembling matrix graph... sfepy: ...done in 0.08 s sfepy: matrix structural nonzeros: 146898 (1.15e-02% fill) sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 6.232499e+00 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfepy: rezidual: 0.05 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.39 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.15 [s] sfepy: linear system not solved! (err = 1.820488e+01) sfepy: linesearch: iter 1, (1.82049e+01< 6.85575e+00) (new ls: 1.000000e-01) sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 4.375667e+00 (rel: 7.020726e-01) ... converged: False sfepy: equation "tmp": sfepy: de_cauchy_strain.i1.Y( u ) --- test_linear_rigid_body_bc: failed! !!! 1 test failed 1 test file(s) executed in 1.83 s, 1 failure(s) of 1 test(s)
./runTests.py --debug tests/test_input_linear_elastic_up.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 1 <<< tests/test_input_linear_elastic_up.py sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '_filename', '__file__', '__package__', 'TestInput', 'input_name', '__name__', 'output_name', '__doc__'] sfepy: left over: ['approx_p', 'approx_u', 'verbose', '__builtins__', 'bulk_modulus_youngpoisson', '__file__', '__name__', 'dim', 'stiffness_tensor_youngpoisson_mixed', '__package__', '_filename', 'order', '__doc__'] test instance prepared (1 test(s)) ... solving ../examples/linear_elasticity/linear_elastic_up.py... sfepy: reading mesh (meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh)... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: setting up domain edges... sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: setting up domain faces... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: creating regions... sfepy: Right sfepy: Omega sfepy: Left sfepy: ...done in 0.02 s sfepy: equation "pressure constraint": sfepy: - dw_stokes.i1.Omega( u, q ) - dw_mass_scalar_w.i1.Omega( solid.gamma, q, p ) = 0 sfepy: equation "balance_of_forces": sfepy: dw_lin_elastic.i1.Omega( solid.D, v, u ) - dw_stokes.i1.Omega( v, p ) = 0 sfepy: setting up dof connectivities... sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: using solvers: nls: newton ls: ls sfepy: updating variables... sfepy: ...done sfepy: updating materials... sfepy: solid sfepy: ...done in 0.00 s sfepy: matrix shape: (2275, 2275) sfepy: assembling matrix graph... sfepy: ...done in 0.04 s sfepy: matrix structural nonzeros: 64039 (1.24e-02% fill) sfepy: nls: iter: 0, residual: 7.208016e+05 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfepy: rezidual: 0.02 [s] sfepy: solve: 0.19 [s] sfepy: matrix: 0.04 [s] sfepy: linear system not solved! (err = 1.013626e-06) sfepy: nls: iter: 1, residual: 1.013644e-06 (rel: 1.406273e-12) ... ../examples/linear_elasticity/linear_elastic_up.py solved ... nls stopping conditions: ... [1] --- test_input: failed! !!! 1 test failed 1 test file(s) executed in 0.68 s, 1 failure(s) of 1 test(s)
./schroedinger.py --2d --hydrogenTraceback (most recent call last): File "./schroedinger.py", line 750, in<module> main() File "./schroedinger.py", line 736, in main conf = ProblemConf.from_file( filename_in, required, other ) File "/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/base/conf.py", line 260, in from_file define_dict = funmod.__dict__"define" File "/home/grassy/sfepy/examples/quantum/hydrogen.py", line 21, in define l = common(fun_v, n_eigs=5, tau=-1.0) File "/home/grassy/sfepy/examples/quantum/quantum_common.py", line 9, in common prefix_dir=conf_dir).read_dimension() File "/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/meshio.py", line 545, in read_dimension coors, fd = self.read_coors(ret_fd=True) File "/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/meshio.py", line 517, in read_coors fd = open( self.filename, 'r' ) IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/grassy/sfepy/tmp/mesh.vtk'
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 5:51 AM, Robert Cimrman<cimr...@ntc.zcu.cz> wrote:
next week I would like to release a new version to the unsuspecting world to show that sfepy is alive, so if there is somebody willing to test the code, grab it as usual at [1], see [2] or [3] if you forgot how :)
I am attaching an updated test script, so that you can just compile the extension modules, and run it. It might be too picky in cases as it expects the exact output I get on my computer...
[1] https://github.com/sfepy/sfepy [2] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/developer_guide.html#how-to-contribute [3] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/dev/gitwash/index.html#using-git

- test_lcbc_3d.py now works.
- Yes, I do have umfpack installed.
- ./schroedinger.py works - I had to set the mesh_to_vtk.py header to #!/usr/bin/python2
- Yes I have the /tmp directory in /sfepy

ok, thanks!
So it might be already time to start working on python3 compatibility, as NumPy aready works and the next SciPy (0.9.0) will work with pyhton3 as well.
On 12/03/10 16:04, Andre Smit wrote:
- test_lcbc_3d.py now works.
- Yes, I do have umfpack installed.
- ./schroedinger.py works - I had to set the mesh_to_vtk.py header to #!/usr/bin/python2
- Yes I have the /tmp directory in /sfepy

I have put corrected code at [1], does it work for you?
r. [1] https://github.com/rc/sfepy
On 12/03/10 16:04, Andre Smit wrote:
- test_lcbc_3d.py now works.
- Yes, I do have umfpack installed.
- ./schroedinger.py works - I had to set the mesh_to_vtk.py header to #!/usr/bin/python2
- Yes I have the /tmp directory in /sfepy

Robert, yes all works now
53 test file(s) executed in 207.27 s, 0 failure(s) of 77 test(s)
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Robert Cimrman <cimr...@ntc.zcu.cz> wrote:
I have put corrected code at [1], does it work for you?
r. [1] https://github.com/rc/sfepy
On 12/03/10 16:04, Andre Smit wrote:
- test_lcbc_3d.py now works.
- Yes, I do have umfpack installed.
- ./schroedinger.py works - I had to set the mesh_to_vtk.py header to #!/usr/bin/python2
- Yes I have the /tmp directory in /sfepy
-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "sfepy-devel" group. To post to this group, send email to sfepy...@googlegroups.com. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sfepy-devel...@googlegroups.com<sfepy-devel%...@googlegroups.com> . For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sfepy-devel?hl=en.
-- Andre

On 12/03/10 17:30, Andre Smit wrote:
Robert, yes all works now
53 test file(s) executed in 207.27 s, 0 failure(s) of 77 test(s)
ok, thanks for the testing!
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Robert Cimrman<cimr...@ntc.zcu.cz> wrote:
I have put corrected code at [1], does it work for you?
r. [1] https://github.com/rc/sfepy

On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 12:51 +0100, Robert Cimrman wrote:
next week I would like to release a new version to the unsuspecting world to show that sfepy is alive, so if there is somebody willing to test the code, grab it as usual at [1], see [2] or [3] if you forgot how :)
I am attaching an updated test script, so that you can just compile the extension modules, and run it. It might be too picky in cases as it expects the exact output I get on my computer...
Hi Robert, Looks like all is ok on my 64 bit ubuntu lucid.
python test_install.py ./simple.py examples/diffusion/poisson.py ...: False sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '__file__', '__name__', 'data_dir', '_filename', '__package__', '__doc__'] sfepy: reading mesh (/home/osman/sfepy/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh)... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: setting up domain edges... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: setting up domain faces... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: creating regions... .... .... sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.316165e-14 (rel: 6.580823e-14)
./runTests.py tests: True
I did not see any errors ("fail") pop-up. -osman

On 12/04/10 02:26, osman wrote:
On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 12:51 +0100, Robert Cimrman wrote:
next week I would like to release a new version to the unsuspecting world to show that sfepy is alive, so if there is somebody willing to test the code, grab it as usual at [1], see [2] or [3] if you forgot how :)
I am attaching an updated test script, so that you can just compile the extension modules, and run it. It might be too picky in cases as it expects the exact output I get on my computer...
Hi Robert, Looks like all is ok on my 64 bit ubuntu lucid.
Good, thanks for trying it out!
python test_install.py ./simple.py examples/diffusion/poisson.py ...: False sfepy: left over: ['verbose', '__builtins__', '__file__', '__name__', 'data_dir', '_filename', '__package__', '__doc__'] sfepy: reading mesh (/home/osman/sfepy/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh)... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: setting up domain edges... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: setting up domain faces... sfepy: ...done in 0.01 s sfepy: creating regions... .... .... sfepy: nls: iter: 3, residual: 1.316165e-14 (rel: 6.580823e-14)
That's fine. Next time I will modify the test script to be less picky about near zero numbers.
cheers, r.
./runTests.py tests: True
I did not see any errors ("fail") pop-up. -osman

hi, all work for me
Sabayon Linux, Intel Core2 Quad
53 test file(s) executed in 79.56 s, 0 failure(s) of 77 test(s)
On 12/03/2010 12:51 PM, Robert Cimrman wrote:
next week I would like to release a new version to the unsuspecting world to show that sfepy is alive, so if there is somebody willing to test the code, grab it as usual at [1], see [2] or [3] if you forgot how :)
I am attaching an updated test script, so that you can just compile the extension modules, and run it. It might be too picky in cases as it expects the exact output I get on my computer...
[1] https://github.com/sfepy/sfepy [2] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/developer_guide.html#how-to-contribute [3] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/dev/gitwash/index.html#using-git

Three positive responses, so today is going to be the release day.
Thanks, r.
On 12/06/10 10:41, Vladimir Lukes wrote:
hi, all work for me
Sabayon Linux, Intel Core2 Quad
53 test file(s) executed in 79.56 s, 0 failure(s) of 77 test(s)
On 12/03/2010 12:51 PM, Robert Cimrman wrote:
next week I would like to release a new version to the unsuspecting world to show that sfepy is alive, so if there is somebody willing to test the code, grab it as usual at [1], see [2] or [3] if you forgot how :)
I am attaching an updated test script, so that you can just compile the extension modules, and run it. It might be too picky in cases as it expects the exact output I get on my computer...
[1] https://github.com/sfepy/sfepy [2] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/developer_guide.html#how-to-contribute [3] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/dev/gitwash/index.html#using-git
participants (4)
Andre Smit
Robert Cimrman
Vladimir Lukes