I released pyperf 1.7.0 and pyperformance 1.0.0. The major change is
that pyperformance 1.0 dropped Python 2 support.
pyperformance changes between 0.9.1 and 1.0.0:
* Enable pyflate benchmarks on Python 3.
* Remove ``spambayes`` benchmark: it is not compatible with Python 3.
* Remove ``2n3``:benchmark group.
* Drop Python 2.7 support: old Django and Tornado versions are
not compatible with incoming Python 3.9.
* Disable html5lib benchmark temporarily, since it's no longer compatible
[View More]with Python 3.9.
* Update requirements:
* Django: 1.11.22 => 3.0
* Mako: 1.0.14 => 1.1.0
* SQLAlchemy: 1.3.6 => 1.3.12
* certifi: 2019.6.16 => 2019.11.28
* docutils: 0.15.1 => 0.15.2
* dulwich: 0.19.11 => 0.19.14
* mercurial: 5.0.2 => 5.1.1
* psutil: 5.6. => 5.6.7
* pyperf: 1.6.1 => 1.7.0
* six: 1.12. => 1.13.0
* sympy: 1.4 => 1.5
pyperf changes between 1.6.1 to 1.7.0:
* metadata: add ``python_compiler``
* Windows: inherit ``SystemDrive`` environment variable by default.
Contribution by Steve Dower.
* Fix tests on ARM and PPC: cpu_model_name metadata is no longer required
on Linux.
* tests: Do not allow test suite to execute without unittest2 on Python2,
otherwise man failures occur due to missing 'assertRegex'.
Contribution by John Vandenberg.
* doc: Update old/dead links.
* Travis CI: drop Python 3.4 support.
I'm working with Pablo Galindo to recompute all benchmarks on
speed.python.org with these new versions. Previously, I always
upgraded pyperf and pyperformance using git: I always ran the master
branch of these projects. The problem is that when a dependency is
upgrade (like Django), we don't know if the performance changed
between of Python or the dependency. We will keep you in touch on the
progress of this task.
Old results are archived at:
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
[View Less]
Python 3.9 introduced incompatible changes which broke Django and
Tornado benchmarks of pyperformance. But Python 2.7 support prevented
me to upgrade Django and Tornado which were stuck to Django 1.11.x and
Tornado 5.x.
I decided to drop Python 2.7 support in pyperformance to support
Python 3.9. So I was able to upgrade to Django 3.x and Tornado 6.x.
PyPy is still supported but only PyPy3 (basic support, no benchmark is
adjusted for PyPy JIT compiler).
So if you want to compare Python 2 …
[View More]to Python 3, you will be limited to
pyperformance 0.9.1 which supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.8.
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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