Quick question about the hexiom2 benchmark: what does it measure? It is by far the slowest benchmark I ported, and considering it isn't a real-world app benchmark I want to make sure the slowness of it is worth it. Otherwise I would rather drop it since having something run 1/25 as many iterations compared to the other simple benchmarks seems to water down its robustness.

On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Brett Cannon <brett@python.org> wrote:
> So I managed to get the following benchmarks moved into the unladen repo
> (not pushed yet until I figure out some reasonable scaling values as some
> finish probably too fast and others go for a while):
> chaos
> fannkuch
> meteor-contest (renamed meteor_contest)
> spectral-norm (renamed spectral_norm)
> telco
> bm_mako (renamed bm_mako_v2; also pulled in mako 0.9.7 for this benchmark)
> go
> hexiom2
> json_bench (renamed json_dump_v2)
> raytrace_simple (renamed raytrace)
> Most of the porting was range/xrange related. After that is was str/unicode.
> I also stopped having the benchmarks write out files as it was always to
> verify results and not a core part of the benchmark.
> That leaves us with the benchmarks that rely on third-party projects. The
> chameleon benchmark can probably be ported as chameleon has a version
> released running on Python 3. But django and html5lib have only
> in-development versions that support Python 3. If we want to pull in the tip
> of their repos then those benchmarks can also be ported now rather than
> later. People have opinions on in-dev code vs. released for benchmarking?
> There is also the sphinx benchmark, but that requires getting CPython's docs
> building under Python 3 (see http://bugs.python.org/issue10224).
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great job!