Okay, so all of a sudden there seem to be a *lot* of people looking at this. This was a long thread quickly, and I only just got up to speed with it. There are a lot of new names, and I don't know what existing skills, interest and territories exist. Apologies for any faux pas.
I would like to organise the list of tasks a bit more clearly if that is okay. I may be less familiar with the parts of this process than others, so I just want to get it down clearly.
What I've done: -- Clone the Python repo into /home/speedracer/cpython/cpython (updated to 2.7) -- Installed os packages to support a reasonable build. -- Built and installed python2.7 into /home/speedraver/cpython/27_bin
Presumably, people would like to be monitoring both PyPy and Cpython as they progress over time. This means some kind of auto runner which updates from the repo, re-runs the timings, and submits them to codespeed. I am unclear on whether there is a "clear winner" for this piece of technology.
List of Required Infrastructure on speed.python.org: -- A home for the cpython repo (check) -- An installed and running codespeed server (pending) -- A buildbot / automation for keeping up to date with the PyPy and cpython repos (???) -- Automation to execute a process which must (???) 1) Run the benchmarks 2) Submit results to codespeed
I would suggest that the codespeed server be installed into speedracer's home directory.
This must all be installable and configurable from Chef (which appears to me like Fabric, i.e. an automation tool for deployment and management of systems). This is not yet accomplished.
We also clearly need some kind of wiki documentation on what is going on, so that contributors (or just newbies like me) can figure out where things are at and what is going on. The bitbucket project is great, but the task titles are currently rather brief if someone isn't already totally up-to-speed on what is going on.
There appear to me to be two unresolved questions:
- What piece of technology should we use for a buildbot / build automation
- What piece of technology should we use for the benchmark runner?
I have no suggestions on (1), it's not a strong point for me.
As regards (2), I am ignorant to what others might already be using, except to say the landscape seems unclear and fractured to me. My work, benchmarker.py, is likely to be adaptable to our needs and I am more than happy to support the package so it can be applied here. As I understand it, the GSOC project was about the actual benchmarking functions, not so much about automation and support for managing the results of benchmarking. If an already-working alternative to benchmarker.py exists and makes more sense to use, then that is fine by me. I would still like to help out to learn more about benchmarking.
The main issue with me as a contributor will be time. I have a full plate as a result of Real Life, so I will sometimes go dark for a week or so. However, I'm motivated and interested, and can put in a few hours a week most weeks.
Do I have this right? Is that a reasonable description of the work breakdown? Do we have clear names against tasks so that co-ordination can be done through those people (rather than via the whole list)?
Regards, -Tennessee
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Noah Kantrowitz <noah@coderanger.net> wrote:
Its all branches all the way down, so we can start work anywhere and push it to an "official" PSF bin later I think. I'm sure we will want to host a mirror of it on the python.org hg server too, just for discoverability.
On Aug 31, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Miquel Torres wrote:
Oh, cool, so there will be an Opscode hosted account for the PSF, right? Then the Chef repo should be for the PSF. Maybe in a current account somewhere? What do you propose?
2011/8/31 Noah Kantrowitz <noah@coderanger.net>:
Opscode has already agreed to donate a Hosted account as long we keep it under ~20 clients :-) I can hand out the info for it to anyone that wants. As for setting up the Chef repo, just remember we are trying to not manage this system in isolation and that it will be part of a bigger PSF infrastructure management effort.
On Aug 31, 2011, at 11:34 AM, Miquel Torres wrote:
Hi all,
though I took up on the task of installing a Codespeed instance myself, I didn't have time until now. This weekend I will definitely have a *lot* of time to work on this, so count on that task being done by then.
The bitbucket issue tracker is a start (though a organization account would be better) and the splash page is great. So let's get started organizing things.
Regarding the deployment strategy, it turns out I use Chef at work, so I am in full agreement with Noah here (yey!). Actually, I am the author of LittleChef (which we can use as a tool to execute Chef on the node).
So, Configuration Management. I would propose that Noah starts the repo with the Chef cookbooks (preferably a complete LittleChef kitchen, but that is not a must :), and gets the main recipes (apache, django) going, while I create a cookbook for Codespeed. What do you think?
The benchmark runner question is still open. We need to clarify that. Use the pypy runner? Tennessee's work?
Regarding repositories and issues, we could maybe have a "speed" organization account (not sure on Bitbucket, you can do that in Github), where we have a wiki, issues, and runner + config management repo + other stuff.
Cheers, Miquel
2011/8/31 Jesse Noller <jnoller@gmail.com>:
I've put up a splash page for the project this AM:
pypy-dev mailing list pypy-dev@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pypy-dev
Speed mailing list Speed@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/speed
Speed mailing list Speed@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/speed
Tennessee Leeuwenburg http://myownhat.blogspot.com/ "Don't believe everything you think"