I'm not aware of any existing doc... Let me see:
* There are two servers: the runner and the web servers. Here I only
care about the runner who I run benchmarks.
* I automated all steps to run a benchmark in the "performance"
project. At the end, the command is just "python3 -m performance
compile_all ~/bench.conf". But for pratical reasons, I chose to clone
"perf" and "performance" repositories manually, and I updated them
manually as well.
To run benchmark, I open a SSH connection, open a screen, run
"./run_benchmarks.sh" and that's it.
My request would be to automate this in a cron tab.
I'm not aware of any automation for these servers: check many in
psf-salt and psf-chef projects. My notes about the Python infra:
I might share additional details with you in private. I'm not sure if
some parts of the infra should be kept secret or not :-)
2018-06-28 15:20 GMT+02:00 Andrii Soldatenko <andrii.soldatenko@gmail.com>:
Hi Viktor,
If you can point me to repo and docs, I can automate it.
On Jun 28, 2018, at 2:13 AM, Victor Stinner <vstinner@redhat.com> wrote:
FYI I'm still running *manually* "./run_benchmark.sh" in a screen on
the benchmark runner to sometimes upload new results to
Since Python 3.7.0 is going to be released, I ran benchmarks.
Results: https://speed.python.org/
Is there anyone interested to write a cron task to automate running
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