Threading benchmark
I as a part of my gsoc project(and on suggestion from my mentor )tried writing a bencmark for threading module. It uses "perf" to measure crearion of objects like Thread,Semaphore,Locks etc. and few methods on them but It might lack on experience and the correctness of doing so.
Here's the bm <> .
And here are the results of a run on my local machine [specs <>]:
python3 ..................... basic: Mean +- std dev: 14.4 us +- 0.4 us ..................... condition: Mean +- std dev: 18.1 ns +- 1.1 ns ..................... lock: Mean +- std dev: 18.1 ns +- 0.9 ns ..................... rlock: Mean +- std dev: 19.4 ns +- 1.6 ns ..................... semaphore: Mean +- std dev: 298 ns +- 56 ns ..................... timer: Mean +- std dev: 6.74 us +- 0.65 us
python2 ..................... basic: Mean +- std dev: 20.5 us +- 1.1 us ..................... condition: Mean +- std dev: 148 ns +- 2 ns ..................... lock: Mean +- std dev: 21.1 ns +- 0.7 ns ..................... rlock: Mean +- std dev: 151 ns +- 3 ns ..................... semaphore: Mean +- std dev: 336 ns +- 4 ns ..................... timer: Mean +- std dev: 12.5 us +- 0.7 us
So suggestions?
Thank You
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