The perf API, command line interface (API) and JSON file format are now complete enough for *my* needs. I plan to use the version 1.0 for the next release and stabilize the API.
I still have a long list of enhancement ideas (see the TODO.rst file in the Git repository), but none has a major impact on the API.
If you see a major flaw in the API or CLI, please speak up!
I know that the PyPy support is very limited, but again, fixing PyPy support shouldn't impact the CLI or API, and so can be done later.
2017-03-01 18:05 GMT+01:00 Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@gmail.com>:
Hum, I should write an option to allow to specify the name of python binaries, to replace [/home/haypo/prog/bench_python/master-ref/python] just with [ref].
Ok, I just added a --python-names option ;-) I annoyed me to have to modify manually perf output when posting to bugs.python.org to replace long [...] with short [ref] and [patch].
participants (1)
Victor Stinner