On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
On 05/04/2008, Benjamin Peterson <musiccomposition@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Data and functions that are available in all Python implementations and
>    deal with the general running of a Python VM.
>    - subversion, copyright, hexversion, version, and version_info

subversion seems specific to CPython (and in fact, to the current
development processes for CPython - if we moved to a DVCS like
Mercurial or Bazaar, sys.subversion would have to go, or at least
change meaning significantly).
That's true. I put it there originally because I thought of it as more general version info, but I can see it moving, too.

>    - flags, py3kwarning, dont_write_bytecode, and warn_options

dont_write_bytecode is CPython-specific, aren't they? Jython and
IronPython don't use bytecode files as far as I know.
I can't speak for IronPython, but Jython writes compiled Java classes representing the Python. Anyway, I think this should really go in imp.

The rest looks OK to me.

Benjamin Peterson