On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 05:43:18PM +0200, Tarek Ziad? wrote:
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 4:43 PM, C. Titus Brown <ctb@msu.edu> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 09:28:35AM -0400, Jesse Noller wrote:
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Michael Foord <michael@voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
It looks like it will be something covered at the language summit, but an open space is a good idea. Backwards compatibility is a *big* problem for any major refactoring though.
Yup, language summit. I'm hoping to cover some amount of this in a pending talk proposal I have in the pycon system too.
One interesting thought for backwards compatibility -- why not take all of the PyPI packages and try importing and/or testing them across versions, and then trying to build automatic classifiers to highlight the "interesting" breakages? ?A first pass filter would be "breakages we know about" vs "breakages we don't."
Then you could build these breakages into a compatibility diagnostics package.
Sounds like a fun PyCon sprint to me...
I don't know if you remember my message on the snakebite mailing list some times ago on a related topic.
That's the same process I would like to do to test distutils over PyPI, by grabbing packages there and running some commands using their setup.py. and say "this package is Distutils certified !"
But this requires some work to make sure there are no security problems I/O-wise, unless you work with a list of trusted packages (which is not what we would want if we want to do QA tests)
And the environment has to be reseted after each run to make sure there are no problems created by the package.
Quite a work, but I am in for some brainstroming at Pycon on this topic if you are interested :)
yep, absolutely! I think I've got the execution and reporting end handled; now we just need to get some virtual environments running so we can do untrusted packages. Hmm, might be worth an AWS account just to do the basic stuff. --titus -- C. Titus Brown, ctb@msu.edu