Jesse Noller <jnoller@...> writes:
I've kept my mouth shut (well, on this subject) simply due to the fact I tend to feel API design is a bit of a "smell" thing. First off; thank you for the package. As much as I might not like the API - I use the logging package an *insane* amount. I also know you're responsive, and you care strongly about it. I myself might come off as slightly defensive for my own module (multiprocessing) if someone where to just say "lol it sux hahaha" (in fact, I have).
You are right; it is flexible, and it is meant for a wide-range of use cases, and when you really "get it" it can be wildly powerful (I think David Beazley wrote a twitter handler!).
It was only a matter of time. Next, a Google Wave handler. ;-)
However, my particular gut feeling when dealing with it stems from something I can't quite communicate properly. I *want* something "simpler" - for example, something which logs messages at a certain level to stderr (but not stdout) and stdout to stdout (but not stderr) - but also has a file logger.
I don't want to have to write more than a few lines of code to do this - in *my* mind this is something so fundamental to unixy-scripts/daemons than it should be as simple as:
import logging
log = logging.get_log('mylog') log.warning('hay guys')
What I end up doing in most of my projects (sorry, not public ones) is wrapping this in a "jesse.log" module that offers that API. The user does not see the complexity of the underlying logging module's APIs. In fact, I have a nasty tendency to create one "log" object which also has a fair amount of the logging module's API pushed into it, e.g.:
from jesse import log
log = log() log.critical('yay!') log.set_level(log.WARNING) # I loathe BouncyNames log.add_handler(log.file_handler(level=log.CRITICAL))
One reason why people think logging is complicated is that they typically have to contend with two things - loggers *and* handlers - whereas they have perhaps in just used a logger, which either logs to file, or to console, or whatever. For simple applications, this might work. However, for more sophisticated requirements, it really helps to keep the two concepts separate: "Where did it happen?" (the logger) and "Who wants to know?" (the handler). In my experience, these are in general not mapped one-to-one. In a typical enterprise use case, a critical error might page an on-call member of the support team, write a detailed message to log, print a simplified message to console, and email the incident to a developer team mailbox. The logger is the domain of the developer. The handler is the domain of the deployer. In many scenarios, of course, they are the same constituency - but in many other scenarios, it's not so. On the BouncyName thing - yes I know it's a religious thing for some people. I've worked in Python, Java and C# amongst others and I've seen it all. My cardinal rule is to fit in with whatever's already there, and although PEP 8 mandates names with no bounce, the logging package had already been released and was in use before being proposed for inclusion in Python, and was using camelCaseNames. Furthermore, the stdlib didn't at the time religiously stick to PEP 8 in this regard. As I'm agnostic on this point, I've no problem in providing all the method names using unix_style_underscore_notation, though of course the other names will still be there for backwards compatibility :-) Where you say "smell", I say "taste". It has a more positive connotation, but means more or less the same thing in this context. For instance, I would not naturally use "log" to name a logger, as in my mind, a logger is something that facilitates getting some information into a log, and the log is the final substrate for that information - the file, the console screen, the email or whatever. So IMO there are elements of personal taste which we just have to pass over when considering API design in general and naming in particular, and when working with others who may not think exactly as we do. I mentioned that the handler is the domain of the deployer, by which I mean that using hard-coded set_level and add_handler calls in code is not always the right thing to do. (To be sure, it is the right thing to do on many occasions). Of course your simple basic example is doable as import logging, sys logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stderr) logger = logging.getLogger('myapp') logger.warning('hay guys') which is only one line longer than your snippet - but in general, it's better if the verbosity of logging in an application can be turned up and down without having to change the application. It's not uncommon for people to use configuration files to configure levels and handlers, and in the case of long-running daemon processes this can even be done without stopping the process. The Python logging package's configuration format uses ConfigParser, which doesn't float everybody's boat. If it is a cause of extreme hatred or even mild distaste, you can always come up with your own configuration file format which is more to your liking, and configure programmatically from that. Why ConfigParser? one may ask. I don't believe that introducing my own, different, ad-hoc configuration file format would have been the right thing to do. TOOWTDI, and all that. Also, at the time, it was important not to add too many APIs to the system, using the guiding principle of YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It), particularly if they were things that would perhaps be more open to subjective judgements. Feel free to search the python-dev mail archives for YAGNI in the late 2001-early 2002 timeframe. If I come up with a simple easy-to-use wrapper that you like, then it's quite possible that some other smart-and-opinionated developer will complain that it doesn't do it for him/her. So - if it's just five lines of code in a project, even if it's for every project, then it's hardly worth secreting much bile over, is it? (I'm not saying *you* are.) There are also some archaic constructs which result from trying to provide Python 1.5.2 compatibility. At the time, there was a good reason for this - most Linux distros were shipping with 1.5.2, although 2.2 had been around for some time. I felt at the time that was important to support developers and sysadmins who would have had to use the system's Python rather than upgrading to 2.3. Of course the landscape has now changed considerably, and I am not of the opinion that 1.5.2 support is stll important. The archaic relics will disappear over time, no doubt.
The other aspect of this is my experience trying to explain logging to people who have never dealt with that module before. Recently, I was trying to explain it to someone who has limited python knowledge, and really just wanted something like what I describe above. They read the docs, re-read the docs, re-re-re-read the docs, and still came to me and said "how on earth do I do this?!". The API doesn't (and this again, is a smell thing) feel python-y - it feels very Java like (having experience log4j, I can say it really does feel like it). I think this trips newbies up quite a bit.
I don't know why, particularly, apart from the conflating-handlers-and-loggers thing. But, as I explained above, that separation of concerns is there for a reason. I'm well aware of the Java predilection for over-complicating things, and I have not drunk that particular Kool-Aid. I don't blog, but following a recent discussion with Glyph Lefkowitz of Twisted Matrix, I created a blog where I will put information related to Python logging which perhaps doesn't belong in the documentation. The first post is, reasonably enough, entitled "Python Logging 101" and is available at http://plumberjack.blogspot.com/2009/09/python-logging-101.html Perhaps you could take a look at it. Is really is a bit of a 101 in terms of going from first principles; it's distilled from an article draft I had prepared for DDJ back in 2002, but which never got accepted :-( [In those days, DDJ was a prestigious print magazine, not vendor-aligned, rather than a website-with-mailshots which is hard to distinguish from a Microsoft tentacle.] It's only a five-minute-or-so read, and perhaps might explain why logging's broad design is as it is.
Part of the newb-to-not-newb transition would be helped by possibly simplifying the docs (something I am *still* working on for multiprocessing) - the examples can be like drinking from a fire hose.
Well the basic example is import logging logging.debug('A debug message') logging.info('Some information') logging.warning('A shot across the bows') which is hardly challenging, and it builds up from there.
Doug Hellmann - the author of the Python Module of the Week is an *excellent* doc writer (see his logging write up here: http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/logging/index.html#module-logging) and might be willing to help, give pointers, what have you.
I'll definitely take it up with Doug. AFAIK, the current introductory documentation on logging owes, I believe, something to Doug's PyMOTW entry for logging, but I'm not sure as I didn't write that material. (I can't remember who did, but it was in response to "logging is complicated" feedback.)
Like I said at the start - this is all a "smell" thing, and it obviously varies from person to person. This is fundamentally why I was interested in encouraging Mishok and others to put together concrete ideas together (I would be interested in seeing an alternative implementation as a thought exercise). I know others besides me have written little wrappers around logging, for example:
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/easylog/ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/autolog/ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sensible/
Perhaps that's a good place to start - higher level functions/methods/etc to "scale down" loggings perceived complexity? I know I'm trying to do bits of that for multiprocessing.
I'm not sure how much traction they've got. Anybody know? The very fact that there are three seems to indicate that this is an area where subjective judgements play a part. So, people can pick whichever one they want, and off they go. If I incorporated one of their versions into the stdlib, presumably the others would still be around, along with your variation on the same theme.
Then of course, there's time for something completely different ;)
Is Zachary actually serious about this as an alternative to Python logging? (I'm not dissing it - just asking if he is seriously committed to getting it to have the same level of functionality.) From the screencast, I got the impression (perhaps mistakenly) that it was motivated at least in part by "Oh look! Coroutines! Shiny new Python toys. Let's see what we can do with them!" After an initial flurry of work on it, things have gone quiet over the last four weeks. Perhaps he's not pushed his changes to BitBucket because he's still working on them. Coroutines are undeniably nice for some things - but I can't say I see a no-brainer fit with logging. I know coroutines are new in Python but I've seen them come and go in popularity a couple of times in different environments. Regards, Vinay Sajip