C. Titus Brown schrieb:
Michael said: Armin said:
That, and a group of people, dedicated to standard library refactoring. The majority of libraries in the standard library are small and easy to understand, I'm sure they are perfectly suited for students on projects like GSOC or GHOP to work on. They could even be used as some sort of "playground" for new Python developers.
It would be a great project for GHOP *if* we have some experienced developers, like yourself, dedicated to working out what the things that need fixing are.
Testing and doc updates worked reasonably well within GHOP last time, and surprisingly little in the way of "experienced developers" were needed. Faced with the responsibility of coming up with dozens of tasks on short notice, I picked a dozen stdlib modules and said
test this integrate doug hellmann's documentation run through the existing examples and write more
...and voila, it happened and attracted positive notice from the BDFL, which is saying something.
It also means that it's going to be a bit harder to find new tasks this year -- not much has changed in terms of the kind of work available. Most libraries might seem "small and easy to understand" to Armin these days, but certainly not to high school students from all over the world. Combine that with the fact that the code quality in the stdlib is supposed to *improve* due to these efforts, *and* that we need to keep a keen eye on backwards compatibility, and we have the same non-trivial problem of finding tasks. In fact, I'd rather mentor two tasks than find one (good) additional task :)
By far the most important part of that process was not my role in putting the tasks up, but Georg's role in reviewing the patches and committing them in a timely manner. I can't speak for how much time he spent doing that,
Enough for one lifetime! No, seriously, I'm willing to help as a mentor in this year's GHOP again, but I don't want to end up as the only core developer involved.
however, and I certainly don't expect that level of effort from HIM this time; perhaps with Mercurial we can get non-committers to act as first-pass filters to reduce the strain on Georg or whoever steps into his shoes. [0]
I sincerely hope that it could work that way. Not having to reject sub- standard work is already a relief. Georg -- Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less. Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.