On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@...> writes:
Pylons uses it too.
While logging may not look extremely pretty, I have yet to see another logging library that has a pretty *and* powerful API. Applications / libraries which reinvent their own logging API usually end up with something which is both less powerful and *not* prettier (see twisted.log for an example).
Thanks. If you had the time to write your ideal, "pretty" API - hypothetically, say, to wrap logging so you wouldn't use the underlying power - what would this API look like? I'm open to ideas from all of you.
Hi Vinay; I've kept my mouth shut (well, on this subject) simply due to the fact I tend to feel API design is a bit of a "smell" thing. First off; thank you for the package. As much as I might not like the API - I use the logging package an *insane* amount. I also know you're responsive, and you care strongly about it. I myself might come off as slightly defensive for my own module (multiprocessing) if someone where to just say "lol it sux hahaha" (in fact, I have). You are right; it is flexible, and it is meant for a wide-range of use cases, and when you really "get it" it can be wildly powerful (I think David Beazley wrote a twitter handler!). However, my particular gut feeling when dealing with it stems from something I can't quite communicate properly. I *want* something "simpler" - for example, something which logs messages at a certain level to stderr (but not stdout) and stdout to stdout (but not stderr) - but also has a file logger. I don't want to have to write more than a few lines of code to do this - in *my* mind this is something so fundamental to unixy-scripts/daemons than it should be as simple as: import logging log = logging.get_log('mylog') log.warning('hay guys') What I end up doing in most of my projects (sorry, not public ones) is wrapping this in a "jesse.log" module that offers that API. The user does not see the complexity of the underlying logging module's APIs. In fact, I have a nasty tendency to create one "log" object which also has a fair amount of the logging module's API pushed into it, e.g.: from jesse import log log = log() log.critical('yay!') log.set_level(log.WARNING) # I loathe BouncyNames log.add_handler(log.file_handler(level=log.CRITICAL)) The other aspect of this is my experience trying to explain logging to people who have never dealt with that module before. Recently, I was trying to explain it to someone who has limited python knowledge, and really just wanted something like what I describe above. They read the docs, re-read the docs, re-re-re-read the docs, and still came to me and said "how on earth do I do this?!". The API doesn't (and this again, is a smell thing) feel python-y - it feels very Java like (having experience log4j, I can say it really does feel like it). I think this trips newbies up quite a bit. Part of the newb-to-not-newb transition would be helped by possibly simplifying the docs (something I am *still* working on for multiprocessing) - the examples can be like drinking from a fire hose. Doug Hellmann - the author of the Python Module of the Week is an *excellent* doc writer (see his logging write up here: http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/logging/index.html#module-logging) and might be willing to help, give pointers, what have you. Like I said at the start - this is all a "smell" thing, and it obviously varies from person to person. This is fundamentally why I was interested in encouraging Mishok and others to put together concrete ideas together (I would be interested in seeing an alternative implementation as a thought exercise). I know others besides me have written little wrappers around logging, for example: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/easylog/ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/autolog/ http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sensible/ Perhaps that's a good place to start - higher level functions/methods/etc to "scale down" loggings perceived complexity? I know I'm trying to do bits of that for multiprocessing. Then of course, there's time for something completely different ;) http://code.zacharyvoase.com/lumberjack/src/ jesse