Sept. 16, 2009
12:11 p.m.
On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 5:54 PM, C. Titus Brown <ctb@msu.edu> wrote:
Quite a work, but I am in for some brainstroming at Pycon on this topic if you are interested :)
yep, absolutely! I think I've got the execution and reporting end handled; now we just need to get some virtual environments running so we can do untrusted packages.
Ah nice ! for the virtual environment, I am not sure about the proper way to handle network access if some packages work with sockets. They suppose to fake I/O in tests and not acces the network in the code we might call, but that's never sure,
Hmm, might be worth an AWS account just to do the basic stuff.
absolutely, maybe we could continue this topic off-list at snakebite's ? Regards Tarek