Hello, I'll just comment on some specific points:
A quick look at the mail archives confirms what I was afraid of: this list is really high traffic.
Actually, it was very low traffic until those recent threads were spawned. I'm probably guilty of some of the traffic :-)
It is true that Python currently has some issues with high concurrency and people try to fix that by forking and spawning new processes which certainly hides away the problem of shared state, but that does not solve it. In fact, very recently Facebook open sourced the Tornado framework which does very well at high concurrency by using async IO. Also this recent interest in Tornado will probably also motivate Twisted developers to improve their project's documentation and performance, because competition is often the what causes projects to improve.
First, I'm not sure what it has to do with the stdlib. Second, if you look at the HTTP implementation in Tornado, it does not handle 1/10th of the spec. Basically, it parses headers and handles a couple of them (Content-Length, perhaps another one). It's not difficult to write a fast HTTP server if you only need to support one smallish part of the spec, and then to show impressive "Hello, World" benchmarks. (besides, Tornado seems platform-specific since it explicitly uses epoll) The way Tornado was promoted looks like a marketing stunt. Glyph Lefkowitz had a very reasonable answer to it on his blog. (and, in any case, if you need speedy HTTP, just use mod_wsgi. There's no need to try and look fancy by using a pure-Python async server, which will always be much less tested, supported and documented than Apache is; not to mention the wealth of plugins which are available to customize Apache behaviour)
The most obvious ones are certainly the `locale` module and all the other modules that change behavior based on the locale settings. Did you know that every major Python framework reimplements time formatting even for something as simple as HTTP headers, because Python does not provide a way to format the time to english strings reliably?
Yes, it is very annoying. Please note, however, that the locale module addresses a specific need, which is to interface with the system-level locale mechanism. The global state comes from this and is not caused by the design of the module itself. While it does limit its uses a lot (and makes it fragile because of system variations), it is still useful precisely when what you want is to rely on the system's locale mechanism. I don't know if including something like Babel in the stdlib would be a good thing. It depends on the size of it, and the required maintenance (I suppose there is a continuous flow of patches, as long as new languages/cultures get supported?). Making locale being able to delegate to Babel sounds awkward. Just tell people to use Babel if they need to (whether it is in the stdlib, or not).
Also we have many modules in the standard library that in my opinion just do not belong there. From my point of view, stuff like XML does not belong into the standard library. But it appears that not many people agree with me on this one.
I would disagree indeed :) Things like XML and JSON in the standard library are very useful, because they provide a proven and reliable way to parse standardized formats without having to install any third-party library. Being able to do this kind of thing without installing additional stuff is especially useful when writing small scripts. (moreover, those libraries often have C accelerators, which might be non-trivial to package properly or install manually on Windows platforms)
`dis` is one of them. The implementation of dis prints to stdout no matter what you do. Of course you can replace sys.stdout with something else for a brief moment, but again: this is not something we should aim for or advertise because it breaks for many people.
Sure, but `dis` is used mainly by the core developers themselves, for testing and development purposes, and for these uses it is fine. Besides, it is certainly possible to propose an extension of the API so as to direct the output to another file-like object.
Ubuntu recently started the "100 paper cuts" project. There people work on tiny little patches to improve the system, rather to replace components. Even though a large place of the standard library appears to be broken by design they could still be redesigned on the small scale, without breaking backwards compatibility.
This "call to arms" can be a good idea. But we have to be able to channel it and appropriately review / validate the submitted changes.
But how realistic is it to refactor the standard library? I don't know.
It depends what you mean by "refactor". It doesn't sound very precise :) I think it's better to discuss proposed changes case by case rather than trying to reach a consensus on such vague terms.
It is a good idea to ask as many people as possible, but I am not sure if the mailinglist is the way to do that.
If you have precise feature requests or bugs to report, the bug tracker might indeed be a better place. Especially if you have patches ready :-) Regards Antoine.