Hi All,

Are you a woman aspiring to pursue a career in emerging tech?  This might be for you!

The 2025 1Million Women In RPA Initiative is a skills development program, which aims to train and up-skill 1 million African women in Robotics Process Automation by 2025.

Despite decades of progress towards achieving equality in the workplace, women remain significantly under-represented in emerging tech. The imbalance between men and women in the technology sector is unlikely to be remedied unless organizations, schools and universities work together to change entrenched perceptions about the tech industry, and also educate young people about the dynamics and range of careers in the technology world.

Women currently hold 19% of tech-related jobs at the top 10 global tech companies, relative to men who hold 81%. In leadership positions at these global tech giants, women make up 28%, with men representing 72%.

We want to change this!

RPA Nuggets takes the baton to empower women to take risks and realize their full potential in emerging technologies.



Click here to register - https://www.rpanuggets.com/womeninrpainitiative-register

To learn more please read the following links:
Davis David 