[Python Tanzania] [Conference] AMLD Africa tickets are available
For its 5th year, the Applied Machine Learning Days of EPFL <https://www.epfl.ch/en/>, the largest European conference dedicated to ML and AI, announces its *first African edition*: AMLD Africa <https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2021>. We have great speakers <https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2021/speakers> from industry (Google AI, Amazon, IBM research Africa), NGOs, African startups, and top universities in Africa. AMLD Africa is online and focuses on the applications of ML and AI that enable innovation and sustainable development in African countries. The tickets are free but limited <https://appliedmldays.org/events/amld-africa-2021/tickets/normal#/> Follow us on Twitter <https://twitter.com/AMLDAfrica> or LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/company/71549135/> Mohamed Kafsi, PhD <https://twitter.com/mou7> On behalf of AMLD Africa organising comitee
participants (1)
Davis David