On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 7:46 AM holger krekel <holger@merlinux.eu> wrote:
heh, i can see how you evolved a new prename for oliver :)
Oops, sorry Oliver! I know Oliver's name of course, it is just that "Walter" always jumps at me, and yesterday I was really tired and did not notice the slip-up. :) On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 7:36 AM Florian Schulze <mail@florian-schulze.net> wrote:
Duh, that is such a simple and in hindsight obvious hack!
You could add OS X to Travis.
I thought about it, but I seem to recall Travis doesn't support both OS X and Linux in the same .travis.yaml file (I think I've seen this somewhere in @conda-forge's docs, not sure where though). Alternatively, I guess I could also follow @conda-forge's and use Travis for OS X, CircleCI for Linux and AppVeyor for Windows. Cheers, Bruno.