ok, i know ... an F is actually a failed test, but an X is not much better - it's the association it creates in me.

On Thu, 1 Jun 2017 at 16:57 Oliver Bestwalter <oliver@bestwalter.de> wrote:

I would really want to to like 23, but it feels wrong to me. The sign creates an association that it is a way towards something and then the name tox starts to read like "to X" to me , but I don't want to go to X, because X is a failed test. If anything I want to go from X to . (or 'o' as short for 'ok' or a really, really big dot). If tox was called "txo" that would work, because then we could have a red X - the failing test - and then a green circle (o, dot, whatever). But like this the direction is wrong and it does not help to make the X green. An X is a failed test- a green X is just ... weird to me.

I like the idea of the typographically really heavy suggestions later on (but without those colored circles in them, they don't really do it for me). There is an idea of solidity behind it, that I can really get on board with. Like: tox is this really solid tool, that helps you get your testing and CI automation out of the way. Like a big trusty hammer. If Thor would be a developer - he would use it. He would definitely use it like his trusted Mjölnir to smash all the bugs in the programs ... or something like that. A double headed hammer like that can double as a T from tox. Something like this: https://blogdekiki.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/ciocan-2.jpg

So maybe the word "tox" in a really simple but very, very heavy font with a mjölnir like hammer above it?


On Thu, 1 Jun 2017 at 15:01 Nicolas Mendoza <niccolasmendoza@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi,  I like 23.

+1 #23.

On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 7:52 AM, holger krekel <holger@merlinux.eu> wrote:
Hi all,

Oliver, Florian and me are discussing with a designer (Gero)
about the upcoming "tox" logo.  find attached the latest round
of drafts.  Anything you like or criticise in particular?


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