Unfortunately not. Might be able to attend a pytest sprint if one is planned, but otherwise it’ll probably be next year for me.On 24 Apr 2017, at 16:00, Oliver Bestwalter <oliver@bestwalter.de> wrote:OliverCheers,Hi Dave,no problem - was looking forward to see you to though. Are you attending Pycon US? I might be there for the sprints.On Mon, 24 Apr 2017 at 15:56 Dave Hunt <dhunt@mozilla.com> wrote:Unfortunately I’ve decided not to attend EuroPython this year, so I’ll need to revoke my offer to help out. Hopefully next year..!On 28 Mar 2017, at 09:21, Dave Hunt <dhunt@mozilla.com> wrote:I’m thinking of coming to EuroPython, and would be happy to spend some time at the helpdesk. My particular area of expertise would be the plugins I maintain, but I’m sure I can also answer some pytest/tox/devpi queries too.Cheers,DaveOn 27 Mar 2017, at 21:42, Oliver Bestwalter <oliver@bestwalter.de> wrote:Hi all,_______________________________________________
EuroPython is on the horizon and they have a new thing (or at least new for me) called "helpdesk"
> Helpdesk / 10 slots
> Helpdesks are a great way to share your experience on a technology, by offering to help people answering their questions and solving their practical problems. You can run a helpdesk by yourself or with colleagues and friends. Each helpdesk will be open for 3 hours in total, 1.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 hours in the afternoon. People looking for help will sign up for a 30 minute slot and talk to you. There is no specific preparation needed; you just need to be proficient in the technology you run the helpdesk for.
see: https://ep2017.europython.eu/en/call-for-proposals/
I would be interested to try this and volunteer to help with questions about tox mainly. Would anybody else interested in that kind of thing? If we find a handful of people that would want to do that, we could have a tox/pytest/devpi helpdesk :)
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