@Bruno that's very cool indeed, I will have a closer look at that as soon as I can and add it to our CI.
Cool, let me know if I can help.
I was also wondering if there is something speaking against introducing Ronnies
https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm for tag based versioning? Love that tool - one less thing to worry about, just tag the thing and off you go :)
I also like it and use it in all my plugins. You have to trust your CI dutifully tests the package, which when testing with tox is usually the case. I recall Holger is not a big fan of automatic releases though.
P.S. @Bruno my "maiden" name is Walter and my friends in school used to call me that, you must have channeled that I guess ... I also think it's funny that your last name sounds a bit like my first name, so I might start calling you Oliveira and you can call me Walter :D
Heh deal! :D