Phil Mayers wrote:
Marian Schubert wrote:
I believe you can do this:
class Xrpc(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): def xmlrpc_echo(self, arg): return arg
xrpc = Xrpc() page = NevowRootPage() page.putChild('RPC2', xrpc)
just make sure xmlrpc resource isn't behind nevow.guard
It's a shame you can't persuade guard by URL arguments to not try an HTTP redirect to HTML login, but issue an HTTP auth challenge.
Bizarrely nevow guard will accept http auth credentials if they're given, but I don't know of a single HTTP client that will submit them without getting the 401 first.
You can solve this by modifying locateChild in your root resource and returning a 401 when needed. if not loggedin: if childSegments[0] == "RPC2": return AuthReq(), () return login.LoginPage(), () class AuthReq: """A simple 401 (Auth required) page. """ __implements__ = inevow.IResource, notAuth = "<html><head><title>Authentication required</title><head><body>This resource is protected.</body></html>" original = None def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): return None, () def renderHTTP(self, ctx): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) request.setResponseCode(401) request.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="rpc@yourhost.com"') return self.notAuth def __nonzero__(self): return False Hope this helps. /Simon