Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
On Tue, 13 May 2008 08:34:51 +0100, Simon Pickles <> wrote:
/Hi />/ />/has anyone managed to combined Nevow with Stackless Python? />/ />/I have rebuilt stackless after satisfying all the extension libs (to include />/zLib), but now Nevow baulks at the mention of the global 'stackless' / I don't understand how this could actually be related to Nevow. Nevow is just a Python library. If you have NameErrors, it's because you wrote some code using a name that wasn't defined. :) Does adding, say, "import stackless" to the top of your program fix the problem? If not, post some code
On Mon, 12 May 2008 14:07:22 +0100, Simon Pickles <sipickles at < web>> wrote: that shows how it breaks.
Jean-Paul It looks like a nevow issue in some introspection process used to import loaders. Looking at the callstack, its actually a twisted file which throws.
Ah. I'd completely forgotten about that code. I suspect it should just be deleted. Can you file a ticket for this and attach the traceback?
Will do. Can you suggest a quick mod I can make (which lines to delete) so I can progress? Thanks Jean Regards Simon