Hello, On Fri, July 28, 2006 4:37 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
You really want to be running a newer Twisted than 1.3.0. There will be all sorts of compatibility problems between it, Zope Interface, and any reasonably recent version of Nevow.
And now my Turkey brain is running on empty. Help, help, help. All I want to do is get my Twisted environment back up and running so I can develop and test Turkey Adventures. But everything seems to be broken. I'm running Debian Sarge. I use Apt-Get or, more usually, Synaptic, to load applications. I've loaded the following packages: Python2.3 version: 2.3.5-3sarge1 Python2.3-nevow version: 0.3.0-1 Python2.3-twisted version: 1.3.0-8 Python2.3-zopeinterface version: 3.0.1-1 The only upgrade packages I see when I search via Synaptic are: Python2.4 version 2.4.1-2 Python2.4-zopeinterface version 3.0.1-1 There are no Python2.4 nevow or twisted upgrades. When I go to the Twisted download page, all I see are tarballs. So... Do I need to go elsewhere to find upgrade files for Debian; e.g. deb packages? Or, do I need to use some other method such as tarballs to upgrade (if so, I'll need a LOT of guidance to put everything in the right place and properly configure it.)? Or, am I missing something else entirely? Once again I seem to bitten by the problem of doc writers assuming that turkeys like me know more than we do. Many thanks, Lloyd