On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Werner Thie <werner@thieprojects.ch> wrote:
I've quite a few very active projects based on nevow/athena, (operating at 100k hits/day) dubbing nevow/athena as 'a large pile of aging JavaScript' sounds like it's going to be thrown overboard and simply does not credit who's credits are due.
Well, considering it's one of the authors of it saying that, I'll accept it from whence it comes. And I agree to a large extent, Athena could be better in many regards, and twisted.web2 could probably have helped that. Athena can make life quite painful if your deployment environment isn't the perfect Divmod way, which is understandable in the context that it was created, and most other ways are indeed wrong. That's why I did a lot of work on Enamel to wrap some of Athena's somewhat laborious bootstrapping requirements.
In my opinion there is nothing really comparable to nevow/athena out there
It's more a case of "It works now for many people, so great, let them continue using it as it is" but as for the /future/ of the Divmod projects, bugs and feature requests, one might as well say "If it can be better, then there is opportunity to make it so".