On Jul 1, 2013, at 3:06 AM, Phil Mayers <p.mayers@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:

I love Twisted, but... consider carefully if an asynchronous webserver is what you need. A more traditional framework, like Django running under Apache/mod_wsgi, may suit your needs. Then again, it may not...

If you are going to use Twisted, consider using it in combination with Klein <https://github.com/twisted/klein>.  Klein is a little bit higher level and helps you build the scaffolding necessary to assemble a site out of a bunch of objects.

However, I think Phil's correct insofar as he recommends that Django might be better suited towards the web application parts of your problem.  mod_wsgi, though?  No need for that :).

Another combination, the one I would recommend, would be Django running under Twisted.  Twisted's WSGI container can run Django just fine (although it will need a little help - <https://github.com/clemesha/twisted-wsgi-django> - since Django isn't really a WSGI app, it's a WSGI-plus-some-stuff app).

Twisted (mostly) a web server, for doling out resources, where as Django is (mostly) a web framework for developing web applications.

You can use either for either, of course; Twisted has a web app framework and Django has a built-in web server.

Although Twisted's web-frameworky bits (twisted.web.template, adbapi, cred, guard) are encouraged more for production use than Django's web-server-y bits (runserver.py), if you're developing a reasonably standard web app that just needs to manipulate a little database state, Django will be a lot easier to work with, not to mention fantastically documented.

The web-frameworky bits of Twisted tend to have advantages when one is making web interfaces to things which aren't simply database-backed HTML applications.  For example, a web interface which allows you to view live data-flows, or controls some kind of hardware.  Or, for developing the web interface for something which has a model that might also be accessed by other protocols, like IMAP, DNS, NNTP, and so on.

For example, Twisted doesn't have an ORM of any kind (since your state might live in any kind of database, or no database at all!), and it's still a bit of an open question in the community what the best way to interact with database-backed state from Twisted is.  By contrast, Django has an ORM that can automatically generate a web interface to allow administrators to manipulate any Django model in your application.

Plus, if you use Django to develop your application but run it within a Twisted WSGI container, you can leverage the power of Twisted at any time.  Itamar has even recently released a tool to help you do this almost automatically, Crochet: <http://blog.futurefoundries.com/2013/05/announcing-crochet-07-easily-use.html>.

Hope this is helpful!
