OK, so the issue I have is that I cannot create two separate REST Resources with nested URLs  e.g.

class CustomerRestService(Resource):
     """Handles REST operations for Customer /customer"""

class CustomerAddressRestService(Resource):
     """Handles REST operations for Customer Address /customer/<customerId>/address"""

Instead I would need to have one common Resource that handles everything under '/customer',
including the customer entity and customer address entity in one (and any other entity whose root is '/customer').

That isn't a very good design...especially if you maybe have 50 different entities hooked up  under '/customer' (like in our app).
It seems in order to enable having nice cohesive classes that provide a REST service for just one entity I would need to manually
route the request from the root Resource into each of them myself.

That is what i was trying to avoid, but it looks like there is no other choice.
