Perfect! Thanks a ton! That was just the lead I needed. Did some more digging around and now I've got it running great. Next I just have to figure out SSL support :). Thanks again! Dave On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 12:19 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun@divmod.com>wrote:
Thanks for your help Jean-Paul.
In my example I've just subclassed the protocol and factory so I could
out the properties and have a little control over things as I learn. The proxy could of course be much easily run as
from twisted.web import http f = http.HTTPFactory() f.protocol = Proxy
I should be a bit more specific about what I'm currently confused about.
*I'm trying to find where I can grab the request URI from the client so I can modify it from www.asdf.com.MYPROXYSITE.com to www.asdf.com before
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 11:44:43 -0500, dave fowler <davefowler@gmail.com> wrote: print the
proxy client makes its requests. Where can you access and modify those parameters?*
Proxy uses twisted.web.proxy.ProxyRequest as its request factory. The request will have its "process" method called when it has been completely received. You can subclass ProxyRequest, set your proxy to use that subclass as its request factory, and in that subclass, override process to change the uri before calling the base implementation. How's that?
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