Thanks, this has helped. When I share my code, is it better include a pastebin link or within the message? On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 1:47 AM, Lucas Taylor <>wrote:
On Jun 19, 2013, at 7:28 PM, Jo as Queeniebee wrote:
Alright, then I'll use Twisted's built-in! But I still have my same question: Should I write a separate file containing all the resources and another file with the server? To deploy a content server on the RPi, do I need to wrap all the files within a .tac file?
This is highly dependent upon your application. Maybe you can contain everything you need to do in a single .py file and run it. Or maybe it would be beneficial to use separate modules or packages. These aren't really twisted-specific concerns. It's a matter of laying out your application so you can import the code you need, where you need it. If you have all of your Resources in a separate module or package, then you need to figure out how to import those and hook them up to the Site object.
Extending the simple example from earlier, you might have a "" in your app:
## myapp/ # from twisted.web import server from twisted.internet import reactor
from myapp.views import MyResource
site = server.Site(MyResource()) reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)
This is highly simplified, but hopefully you can see it's just basic python. twisted.web.server.Site needs a Resource, so you have to figure out how to supply it. Could be in the same file, or could be importable from some other package or module. In this case, we've decided that we'll have a views module that contains MyResource.
A .tac file is one way to handle application startup. You could also create a twistd plugin: Or you could have a plain old python file with in it. This is prevalent in many of the howto examples and what the example above shows. I wouldn't really worry about .tac or plugins for the time being.
At any rate, we're venturing into different territory now. You'll need to share some code ( or give a more complete description of what you're trying to do in order to get practical advice. It would be better to start a new thread with a clear intent and a different subject line, unless you still have questions about using jinja2.
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