This is the first time I post to this list and my question follows: I've tried to use Nevow's guard with non-root resource (Else than NevowSite). The problem that raises upon is following: exceptions.AttributeError: 'SessionWrapper' object has no attribute 'renderHTTP' The code I use goes like this: <SNIP /> def __init__(self): realm=MyRealm() self.fooportal=portal.Portal(realm) myChecker=DatabaseChecker() self.fooportal.registerChecker(checkers.AllowAnonymousAccess(), credentials.IAnonymous) self.fooportal.registerChecker(myChecker) def getDynamicChild(self, name, request): if(name=='foo'): return guard.SessionWrapper(self.fooportal) <SNIP /> So are there good ways to get it working like this, or do i have to use some trick to do it, or (worst of all) is it even possible? Nevow rules, thank you. =) Janne Junnila