On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Michael Toop <michaelt@voxtelecom.co.za> wrote:
We are struggling to close a TCP connection using web resource.Resource (the TR69 SOAP spec. mandates that we close the connection when we are done).
Our site is served in a TCP reactor & uses the NOT_DONE_YET variable in the def render_POST method. We close the render_POST with a request.write('data') & a request.finish() but the connection stays open, stub code below.
We are not sure if it is the fact that we are using chunked encoding or if this is a bug?
Please assist.
Warm Regards,
Michael Toop
def render_POST(self,request): ...do stuff d = getSoapText(request) d.addCallback(request.write) d.addCallback(request.close()) return server.NOT_DONE_YET
I'm guessing it was a typo above and should be something like: d.addCallback(lambda ign: request.finish()) Also, I don't think request.finish necessarily entails closing the connection as this depends upon whether or the channel is persistent via keep-alive. I think the rules for connection persistence in twisted.web are: HTTP 1.0: non-persistent HTTP 1.1 and "Connection: close" in request headers: non-persistent HTTP 1.1 and "Connection: close" NOT in request headers: persistent -Drew