glyph@divmod.com wrote:
In particular, this is a favorite topic of discussion for pundits. I have heard many times that our web server situation is why Twisted is not as popular as Linux, or Quake, or Ruby on Rails, or MVS, or BitchX, or whatever today's infrastructure flavor of the month is. I've had to shrug and admit fault in the past, but now that there is a concrete list of tasks for you all to help out with, I sincerely hope that some of you will choose to do so.
We surely will. In the meantime, I have an urgent request: *Please fix the wrapping of your emails!* Many messages in the archives of mailing lists around Twisted and Divmod require constant horizontal scrolling, and that's very annoying. It's been this way for *years*, it shouldn't be that difficult to fix Quotient, or whatever is the cause of this. Just to be clear, I read your emails perfectly, wrapped and all, via Gmane and Thunderbird. The point are *the archives*. There's lots of valuable stuff in there, but: you do a Google search, find a message, and then are confronted with the pain of horizontal scrolling. There's a good chance many people will turn away without ever reading them. In many years of reading mailing lists and newsgroups, the Quotient-originated emails are *the only ones* exhibiting this problem: that's why I think it's you that should be fixing it. Sorry for ranting, this has been getting on my nerves for too long. :-) -- Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/ Many software developers have become hostage to the development frameworks that they utilise. In turn, many frameworks have made session state a fundamental building block of web development because it permits sloppy design. -- Alan Dean, April 2006