I'm pleased to announce the release of Nevow 0.9.26. The last announced release was 0.9.18, and the changes since that version are listed below. 0.9.26 (2007-11-02): - url.URL.path now correctly escapes segments in the string it evaluates to. - inevow.IAthenaTransportable added, along with support for serialization of custom types for server-to-client Athena messages. - Global client-side behaviour is now customizable via a client PageWidget class. 0.9.25 (2007-10-16): - The Athena message queue implementation has been improved, fixing problems masked by bugs in Firebug/YSlow. 0.9.24 (2007-09-05): - ESC key no longer disconnects Athena connections. - Fixed a bug where URLs with quote characters will cause the Athena connection to be lost. - Fixed 'twistd athena-widget' to create a fresh widget instance for each hit. 0.9.23 (2007-08-01): - Fixed install script to include all JavaScript files. 0.9.22 (2007-07-06): - Mock DOM implementation for easier browser testing added. - JavaScript source files are now read using universal newlines mode. - athena.AutoJSPackage now excludes dotfiles. - url.URL now properly subclassable. - User-agent parsing added to Athena, to detect known-unsupported browsers. 0.9.21 (2007-06-06): - Debug logging messages from the reliable message delivery queue disabled. 0.9.20 (2007-05-24): - Athena now no longer holds more than one idle transport open to the browser. 0.9.19 (2007-04-27): - Changed the styling of the progressbar to work on IE6. - Athena.Widget.detach added, to allow widgets to cleanly be removed from a page. - Athena.Widget.callLater added, a wrapper around setTimeout and clearTimeout. - 'athena-widget' twistd command added, for starting a server which serves a single LiveFragment or LiveElement.