Hey, I have been using livepage in a project and I use gaurd and twisted.cred for different livepage resources. Everything works well, but I wanted to use athena. I run into two problems with athena. The first problem is when I have one athena.Livepage object in my realm I get errors saying I can only render the LivePage once. So, to get around that I just do something like the following in the realm class : def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): for iface in interfaces: if iface is inevow.IResource: if avatarId is checkers.ANONYMOUS: resc = AnonPage() resc.realm = self return (inevow.IResource, resc, noLogout) else: resc = MyPage(avatarId) resc.realm = self return (inevow.IResource, resc, resc.logout) This seems to work ok. Is this something I have to do? Or can I use one class that takes avatarId as a paramater on __init__? Now for the second problem. (This problem happens after I use the above fix. ) If I use checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse() everything works ok. But if I use my checker or other checkers the page does not get rendered and everything just hangs. If I run my tac file with twisted -noy I can not control-C to kill the process, I have to kill it with signal 9. I have tried a basic athena.LivePage class with nothing but html, body, and liveglue that is supposed to be rendered out and it still hangs. Everything works well with livepage.LivePage, but hangs with athena. Does anyone know why this would happen? I hope this email is not too vague. Let me know if I need more details. Thanks in advance.