i'm currently writing a reverse proxy with twisted and i've a problem with a deferred
function in my handleHeader method.
the code looks simplified like this:
class MyProxyClient(proxy.ProxyClient):
def handleHeader(self, key, value):
if key.lower() == 'location':
clientCreator = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, Redis, db=3)
redis = yield clientCreator.connectTCP("localhost", 6379)
value = yield redis.get('myproxy:hashcode:%s' % value)
as the handleHeader caller doesn't wait for a deferred to finish, the location header is
added after handleResponseEnd is already called and therefore never makes it to the client.
is there a way to convert the non-blocking redis call to a blocking redis call?
i know that there's a blocking client library for redis but i'd rather use only txredis if possible.
Stefan Grosz <
Stadtausstellungs-, Gemeindeausstellungs-, Stadtinformations- und Gemeindeinformationsplanungs GmbH
A-1100 Wien, Buchengasse 42
Mobil: +43 650 2643435
Fax: +43 7243 57435