On Sep 14, 2006, at 11:36 AM, James Y Knight wrote:
The twisted.web2.client.HTTPClientProtocol.submitRequest has a keyword arg "closeAfter", which defaults to True. Thus, without you doing anything to change it, there is no keepalive and no pipelining. Each connection will only be usable for one request. Pipelining and keepalive features should really only be enabled when a request is submitted by a client manager which is able to handle the appropriate failure retry conditions.
Maybe this could be replaced with "idempotent" with an appropriate docstring? It'd accomplish the same thing, but it would then be obvious to people who haven't read a pile of RFCs under what circumstances they need it set in a particular way. With a "closeAfter" argument, it's tempting to say "of course I want closeAfter=False; I'm sending more stuff and one connection is faster" without realizing the consequences. If idempotency is what decides the behavior, then that's what the client should tell you. -- Scott Lamb <http://www.slamb.org/>