26 Apr
26 Apr
7:56 a.m.
David Reid wrote:
from twisted.web import resource, static
root = resource.Resource() root.putChild('fooimages', static.File('/path/to/foo/images')) root.putChild('barimages', static.File('/path/to/bar/images'))
.rpys are bad. They were a bad idea implemented badly and their use is strongly discouraged, even for development they are bad and should never contain more than
if you're using .rpys i assume you're using mktap to build the webserver configuration, .taps are also discouraged, and the best way to deploy twisted.web applications is with .tac files. see
Aha. I simply started with the twisted.web documentation for version 2. I think your links and the other email give me enough, will try again tonight. Thanks, Andy Robinson