On 9/13/06, Nicola Larosa <nico@teknico.net> wrote:
We surely will. In the meantime, I have an urgent request:
*Please fix the wrapping of your emails!*
Many messages in the archives of mailing lists around Twisted and Divmod
require constant horizontal scrolling, and that's very annoying. It's been
this way for *years*, it shouldn't be that difficult to fix Quotient, or
whatever is the cause of this.
Just to be clear, I read your emails perfectly, wrapped and all, via Gmane
and Thunderbird. The point are *the archives*. There's lots of valuable
stuff in there, but: you do a Google search, find a message, and then are
confronted with the pain of horizontal scrolling. There's a good chance
many people will turn away without ever reading them.