On Sep 4, 2015, at 01:04, Amber Hawkie Brown <hawkowl@atleastfornow.net> wrote:

On behalf of Twisted Matrix Laboratories, I am honoured to announce the release of Twisted 15.4, codenamed "Trial By Fire".

Hooray Twisted!  Hooray Amber!

This release is a particularly big deal, because:

- Trial has been ported to Python 3! This was made possible by a Python Software Foundation grant.

If you've been wanting to port portions of Twisted over to Python 3 but have been stymied by primitive tooling and weird special cases, the fact that the full test runner is now available is a big deal.  It should be a lot easier to onboard new contributors to help with porting tickets now, and I expect the rate of porting of Python 3 modules to accelerate considerably as a result.  Thanks to everyone who made this happen.
