On Sat, 29 Jul 2006 18:00:55 +0200, Manlio Perillo <manlio_perillo@libero.it> wrote:
In the Nevow source distribution there are some JavaScript code but I don't understand what files are actually used.
As an example there is defer.js script, but there is also a deferred support in MochiKit.
I'm not the most entitled person to speak about those choices but MochiKit is currently only used for the Stan-like syntax inside Nevow. The reasons are various and mostly have to do with disagreement in some implementation choices. Basically MochiKit is currently just an implementation detail that nobody should rely on being kept there or updated (currently it's version 1.1). I'm unsure how much I agree with this choice because if from one hand it means that nevow fixes some problems with MochiKit APIs it also means that Nevow will have to maintain its own version of javascript library which is a problem by itself because, for example, the next MochiKit version will also provide a rich package for visual effects, also MochiKit works with all the main browsers while Nevow currently doesn't work with Opera and Safari (because of Safari) and I'm unsure about IE (although I think it works there). anyway I'll let the others complete the answer because they know it better than me.