Reza Lotun wrote:
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone<exarkun@divmod.com> wrote:
If that's true then there really should be a .get_body() method on the request object. Why can't you seek and read?
I can, but it's not "nice". I realize that on some level twisted.web is a bit low-level, but having to remember to do a seek then read is a bit annoying. I'm sure those of us using twisted.web to, say, implement a REST interface end up writing some sort of convenience method anyway to do it.
Perhaps there are other complications I haven't considered, but why can't you add a get_body method?
A file-like is a python-esque idiom. You can pass it to all kinds of things e.g. JSON parsers, XML parsers. What if the body is a 1 gigabyte string? Do you want twisted to read the results in from the tempfile, instantiate a python string, and probably get killed due to an out-of-memory condition? I vote for the file-like.