Itamar and I have just created a few new tickets and the "Web2-Gold-Master" milestone for the ascension of web2 to the status of The Web Server For Twisted. Obviously I'll also have to get in my car and cast the original twisted.web back into the volcano where I originally forged it, but I still visit my parents' house pretty regularly so I don't think that should be a problem. Details are here: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/2085 Please read this description, and create / mark any tickets with the appropriate milestone if you believe they are a requirement for this objective. We may not agree, but we'd appreciate community involvement. In particular, this is a favorite topic of discussion for pundits. I have heard many times that our web server situation is why Twisted is not as popular as Linux, or Quake, or Ruby on Rails, or MVS, or BitchX, or whatever today's infrastructure flavor of the month is. I've had to shrug and admit fault in the past, but now that there is a concrete list of tasks for you all to help out with, I sincerely hope that some of you will choose to do so.